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dbol question

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I know this topic has been beaten like a dead horse, but assuming my training, diet, and pst is right on track, could I expect to gain 5-10lbs on a Dbol only cycle at 35mg ED for 6 weeks? I am assuming I respond well to AS as my first cycle 500test/600deca 8 weeks gained me 25lbs. I have recently come across a ton of dbol, cheap, and would like to take advantage of it. I have searched and the consensus seems be not to do a dbol only cycle stating that the gains won't be much, but is 5-10lbs really that much? Thanks

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its not how much you gain but how much you keep. you wont keep much on D-bol only. but i know a guy thats afraid of needles & gained alot on d-bol. but he didnt know any better & did a 6 month d-bol cycle. i wonder how his liver is? if you're gettin a deal buy it & save it for when you can add test.

Quiet E.
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i agree with mtex...a dbol only cycle is not all that great...and always include test in any cycle, no matter what type cycle it is.. Quiet E.

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Actually, if you do a cycle like that, why wouldn't you gain? If you use arimidex to keep your bloat down, there's no reason why you can't gain muscle mass. Without arimidex, expect the gains to be all water though. And make sure you do clomid post cycle.

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well, your crash would be very hard, similar to that of an anadrol only or a suspension only cycle. more than just clomid would be needed for recovery, in my opinion. Mabye HCG would be better. but then you would have to inject. OH NO!

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Yeah gains would be good but retention would be low. Not many would go the dbol only route. Test is cheap and everywhere so you might as well add it in for a much better cycle.

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Shit Yeah u can gain 5-10 pounds from dbol only.. You can gain much more.. but keep it without stacking it with something else (injectable) is harder... BUT as you say... 5-10 pounds is really not that much so asuming everything about training/nutrition/rest/PCT is alright, you may keep you're gains.. It is also very individual... Though most people tend to loose much of gains afterwards on dbol only.. some people, including myself, can actually keep a lot of it. I gained 6pounds on dbol only short cycle 5weeks.. and kept all of it. But the thing is that you get so much more out of it by stacking it with sust/deca/primo..well anything almost....

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I love d-bol.....the only reason I'd do a d-bol only cycle is so you can fuck like a mad man.... Shit make me fuckin hard w/lots of attitude to boot.....'course mixing w/a bit of test never hurt that response either. Just seems I spread more legs on d-bol than off.

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why would you wan tto do a dbol only cycle? test is cheap.

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I have no problem injecting, as i said i just finished a test/deca cycle...but i was asking because i got a dirt cheap price on the dbol, didnt know whether to give the dbol only a whirl or wait 'till i have the cash for some do you think a short 5 week test enth, dbol cycle would work? say 500mg test wk. 35 mg dbol ED? Anyone get any decent gains from shorter cycles like this instead of the standard 8-12 wk. ones?

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Would I still run the arimidex (liquidex good?) with the test and dbol?

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i hear ya ive got lots of extra dbol laying around and i know the day will come in about 5 weeks actually where my cycle is over then after PCT ill be tempted to try the dbol alone since i also have lots of clomid and adex laying around...i think when it comes down to it though ill just used maybe like 25mg about 1-1.5 hrs before heavy day like 2-3 times a week till i get over whatever plateu im trying to cross at the time...think of them as andro poppers if you want to use them alone IMO -T

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Originally posted by tarponfly I have no problem injecting, as i said i just finished a test/deca cycle...but i was asking because i got a dirt cheap price on the dbol, didnt know whether to give the dbol only a whirl or wait 'till i have the cash for some do you think a short 5 week test enth, dbol cycle would work? say 500mg test wk. 35 mg dbol ED? Anyone get any decent gains from shorter cycles like this instead of the standard 8-12 wk. ones? 1) wait for some test. i think thats been stated enough 2) in my exp... short cycles were not worth it. you need to let your body get used to the new weight. on short cycles you quit right when the 2cnd round of gains are coming. as a matter of fact i always did the 10 weeks & now i'll do 12
