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cycling and Hep B shots

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Hi guys I had my Hep B shots 10 years ago, now after a blood test I need to get additional shots as to reboost the Hep B vaccine in my blood, My dilema is, that i need 3 shots over the period of 3 fortnights, and then I need to go on a blood test to see if those shots have worked. Can I be on a cycle whilst having my hep b shots? and when I have that blood test to see my level of Hep B vaccine in my blood will it also show the amount of gear in my blood? ANd most importantly can I get myself into some physical problems by cycling whilst having My hep B shots. I appreciate any advise Regen1

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hmmm interesting question... I need Hep B boosters soon-ish too. I reckon they'd notice the thru-the-roof Test levels but as far as detecting other gear (such as nandrolone) they'd have to specifically test for that. Who's going to pay for that...especially when all they're booked to do is a hep-b test?

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Hey regen1! Don't know if this will be of any help... I was in the middle of cycle when getting my last hep B shot and blood test done. Doc. didn't comment on my high test levels, just said liver enzymes were a little high, but I guess that's expected. Appart from that it didn't effect me phisycally, not that I've noticed anyway. Good on you for researching it though, I did mine kamikaze style (stupidly.. was just poor timing). It will be interesting to see what this thread will show. I'll come back to read. Good luck! T-800

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I dont think they will even test for Test levels, unless requested.

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I had my last hep b shot mid cycle. had a blood test to see if the vac was working. doc didn't say anything.
