Cut vs. Bulk: Is Th...
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Cut vs. Bulk: Is This True?

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AAS + more than maintenance calories = bulking AAS + less than maintenance calories = cutting AAS + maintenance calories = waste of time I'm six weeks into my first cycle. One thing I've noticed is that I can see the results of what I eat much more dramatically than before I started the cycle. If I eat a lot today, I'll be bigger and stronger two days from now. If I don't eat enough, a couple more veins pop out. But if I eat my normal maintenance allotment of calories, nothing at all happens. So it seems to me that you gotta eat high or low, depending on your goals, but eating just enough doesn't buy you anything.

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but calories and maintenance usually equals cutting less than maintenance = losing muscle number 1 thing that will bulk or cut is the calories FLEX

Honorable Member Admin
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diet plays a very big role when cutting up or bulking. a poor diet can mean the difference between very small gains to very drastic changes.

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I agree its all in the diet. I've cut and bulked using almost identical drugs and dosages, just manipulated the caloric intake.

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I have to stay on for a long time for several reason when I'm trying to bulk 1) my appetite is my biggest downfall takes me a good month to work up to a measly 4000 cals a day 2) I think I just naturally don't have a very big appetite 3) I'm 6'5 and no matter what I take or eat I'll never "blow up" 4) If I were to eat more than 4000 calories a day I'd start to get fat and I'd have to eat every single hour day in and day out/ weekends etc. So my body is very slow at gaining but what I do gain I almost always keep. To cut all I have to do is drop back down to around 3000 cals. I love being an ecto for that reason.

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The changes you are observing in your body are not likely the result of gain or loss in bodyfat. It takes a long time to observe these effects. I would assume that water is responsible. Consuming a lot of calories, especially carbs, will increase your bodies stores of water and therefore you may appear less lean. Of course, you are correct. Consuming more calories than your maintence will, over time, result in a weight gain. And the opposite is true. However, this does take time.

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i agree w/ Admin and Flex on this one, but Data has a good point. Diet can cause changes in your body holding water. When I eat less than maintenence (even during a bulk cycle), I seem more lean and have more veins, but, when I eat more than maintenence, I feel bloated and veins, what veins.

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calories control gains/losses------> PERIOD. If you are not getting the proper macronutrients in the amounts needed---> your goals will not be met. It's ALL in the calories--- so plan intake for success... and then execute for gains.
