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Could someone tell me what the purpose is for Tren in the field of medicine? What was the reason for creating it?

The second thing I am not grasping yet is what causes the sudden increase in strength when using steroids?

Thank you.

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It's a vetinary steroid and i don't believe it's made for humans at all. Might be wrong.. Trenbolone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The increased muscle fibers (mass) and the shorter recovery times, as well as some other benefits i'd bet, are where the increased strength come from.
But there must be dietary considerations met and a serious workout planned or you'll get nothing for your trouble.

Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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Thanks for the reply ironclad.

The increase in muscle fiber will take some time I presume so this will cause a slow increase in strength compared to the somewhat sudden increase in strength that a user may experience. Well, only a thought from my side...

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Its not all just physical alot of it has to do with the mental side. The androgenic side of AAS is that it gives you the mind set to do something your mind would normally tell you, you couldn do. Therefore workouts are more intense, you get more done during, and this added to Anabolic affects create a boost in strength. Don't get me wrong your not gonna be benching 300 plus over night but there will be a considerable gain in strength.
