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Cool for a little cutting?

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As I have said before, I have a source inside VPX that can get me basically what I want, I had him get me a shit load of 1-test and liquid clenbutrx (spelling?). Would this be alright to stack for a little cutting? I dont have the cash for a real cycle and this shit is free, also I dont have much to lose. In the last year I have gone from 140lbs to 225lbs, my bf% went from like 11 to about 15 or so, I would like to get it back down. I plan to keep eating the tons of food and protien that got me big, but just throw some cardio and this stack into the mix to try to get it back down (I normally dont do cardio as I am naturally a skinny fuck) Should this work in a few weeks? Should I cut down the carbs in my diet or keep them the same for energy? I eat about 3000-4000 calories, 300-400g of protien a day, and probably 200-300g of carbs a day. Thanks for the help bros.

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I can't add to your thread Bro....just wanted to give you props for the 85lb body mass increase in the last year. Thats mad. You must be one dedicated mofo. keep it up

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If you still plan on eating to get big, the substances alone arent going to make you get cut. Consider doing a short ketogenic diet. It will maintain all the mass you worked hard for, as it is a protein sparing diet, and the fatloss will be quick and easy. Supplementing with 1-test and clenbutryx while on it will also help to maintain your mass and increase the rate at which your body burns fat. By they way, have you been able to get any of the VPX injectable stuff yet? I am curious to know how the results have been. I probnably wouldnt buy it as I can make my own much cheaper (and have done so already), but I was just wondering about it.

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Thanks for the info, yes I havent missed a workout for at least a year now, even when I was sick, I worked out a puked my brains out afterword, and tons of food on top of that to boot, I realize that the supps alone wouldnt burn fat, but with the addition of cardio to my routine and the supps, I thought maybe it would start reducing the BF at least a little. As far a the injectable stuff goes, nah havent tried it, they keep pretty tight tabs on that shit, not to mention I dunno about actually injecting that stuff, don't know why but I have a funny feeling about it. Thanks for the help bros

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To get cut u need to run a reduced calorie diet. If u are eating more then or just enough then u will not lose any weight, no matter what drugs u take.

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Your muscle mass must be incredible for gaining 85 lbs. and only jumping 4% in a year.
