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i was reading the description of equiplex becuase i was considering it instead of deca but i was reading the half life says 14-16 days then in the description it says injections usualyy every other day. Test-E'>test e has the same half life and i injected it only mon and thurs. so is it long acting or fast acting? just trying to get my facts straight. and i was going to run 500 mgs of test c a wk . should i run the same amount for equiplex or like deca at a smaler dose of say 400 mgs?

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Posted by: GroundSpike
i was reading the description of equiplex becuase i was considering it instead of deca but i was reading the half life says 14-16 days then in the description it says injections usualyy every other day. test e has the same half life and i injected it only mon and thurs. so is it long acting or fast acting? just trying to get my facts straight.and i was going to run 500 mgsof test c a wk . should i run the same amount for equiplex or like deca at a smaler dose of say 400 mgs?

i can't really comment on your cycle, b/c i'm not sure what your stats are...

...about the Equiplex, it's long acting....but, years ago, you couldn't find Equipoise in any dose higher than 50mg/cc.people usually jabbed more often as they were dosing over 400mg/ adays, i wouldn't inject more than two days a week with could get away with once a week if wanted.

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sorry about not posting my cycle its already posted in the cycle forum but ill post it here to . so here it is stats 5'11 205-210 bf% somewhere around 15 %. goals bulk up ( lean mass) previous cycle test e @ 500 mgs /wk and OT @ 50 mgs ed. got really sick around wk 5 not sure why had to stop and start pct early. ok so this cycle will look like this

wks 1-12 test c @ 500 mgs wk
wks 1-11 deca OR equiplex @ 400 mgs wk
wks 1-6 OT @ 50 mgs ed
wks 1-13 HCG 500 iu's 2x wk (last 2 shots 1500 and stop 4 days before pct)
wks 14-17 clomid 100 mgs ed
wks 1-14 a-dex 1 mg ed
wks 14-20 a-sin 25 mg ed

i do believe that is everything. the only thing that turns me away from deca form reading about it is the fact that deca metabolites can show up on a urine test 18 months after the fact( so i read on this board) and im hoping that i wont get sick this time around from test c im not not sure if it was test e that made me sick or just that time of the year but i would really like this to go without a hicup so ill try something new.

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On eq right now 600 mg a wk , 300 sun and 300 wed. So far so good.

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Posts: 126

You would want to run EQ for longer than 11 weeks. I would reccomend running it for 15 weeks so you would want to extend the cycle. The layout looks good.

Be sure to dial in your DIET b/c thats the biggest reason everyone gets the results they get.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
