Do you still need to keep it in the fridge during storage? I thought I read somewhere that you need to keep in fridge.
It should keep at room temp;but after reconstution must be kept in fridge;this applies to all E powders hemax,zyrop etc.I always keep in fridge anyway;but is good to know that it will travel well and will keep effiacy without refridgeration if neccessary.MAD
It should keep at room temp;but after reconstution must be kept in fridge;this applies to all E powders hemax,zyrop etc.I always keep in fridge anyway;but is good to know that it will travel well and will keep effiacy without refridgeration if neccessary.MAD
Once you get it just put it in the fridge. But, don't worry about it losing its efficacy during shipment unless USPS starts playing football with the package.
Yeah but you have no idea where it's been for the year or two before you receive it.
Very True.M/track
Yeah but you have no idea where it's been for the year or two before you receive it.
Year or Two? That's ridiculous. Everything I get is manufactured with a few months of receipt and if they are a good source they store it in a refrigerator. If this doesn't sound like your source.....dump them or stick with AAS.
I think Dario was exagerating;to make a valid point,no one really knows ,as gear is shipped to source from either a middleman or manufacturer via various couriers and others(agents etc)Even powdered E will lose efficiacy if exposed to temperatures over 25deg C.for long periods. M/track
Thank for this info bros.. But i have a question... Is 100% good this epo(Clonepo)? somebody has had an increase of the hematocrit and hemoglobin with Clonepo?
With eposino, much bros posted yours good results. This could be a good substitute.Eposino we missed to you jaja
It works. I believe I got about a 4 pt. gain (42 to 46) from 31.5k units from pre to post....don't quote me on this though b/c I should have taken my post Hct sooner than I did (it may have dropped as I did not use a maintenance dose. I got it directly from the source years ago (i used it in 2004) and the manufacture date was only a month or two from when I got it. This was my first foray into using EPO, so there are many thing I should have done better.