Hey guys my order has just come in, ive noticed though it is alot clearer (the liquid) then it has ever been before.... Is this ok, i remember being told a while ago its because of the alcohol content or something like that.... well let me know! thanks guys
from what i was told it was the different oil or somthing being used. I had to vials of BD test e that was darker than eachother. The lighter one didnt bother me, but the darker one that im using now burns like a motherfucker. After every shot im sore for about 4 days. Cant inject in my delts because i need my arms for work so i have to switch ass cheeks and sit on each side every 4 days. Oh well ive gained almost 25lbs and still have 4 wks left.....I can put up with it. Im on axio Tbol for the next 4 wks, hope its hype lives up to it.
25lbs thats solid bro.... yeah axio stuff is real good... but the vials i recieved this time were just clear, im sure its good, but its kinda making me nervous
no need to be nervous....the oils can vary from batch to batch.
all my axio oils(testc and deca) are clear as water
Yes...it is alot of variables that determine the darkness of the mixture. The temperature, potency(concetration), and the type of oil used. But in most cases there clearer it is the better. For instance if you have one bottle of Tenbolone Acetate and it is a dark almost Orange-Yellow color and you have the other bottle that is a clearer yellowish color...the purity is usually higher in the lighter color one. This is sometimes because a smaller filter was used in the conversion process. The the darkness is also affected by the actual concentration of the substance also. Even the temperature plays a part in this. I have batches in the past I have....ahem...I mean my friend...had batches in the past he has converted at higher temperatures than recomended for faster conversion times with a larger quantity. The injection is a little more sore than with the lighter substance, but the quality of the product is the same. HE gets similar results from both.
This would be the case here also...as long as it is the color it is suppose to be...Winny(white milky)....Tren Acetate(Yellow)...Test(can vary depending on the oil color)....But with the products you have in question, YOU have nothing at all to worry about!! NOW go lift hard and GET BIG!!
Stay True to the Iron!!!
thanks odin! and thanks everyone else... i cant wait to start just feeling a lil shity at the moment...
The Axio SustaPlex is the cleanest shit "my friend" has ever used. The Nan Phenyl is fucking bomb, I mean from what I hear. I've heard "them" say the Tbol is fucking great too!!!!! Maybe I should try this stuff. lol
Yes the oils are lighter in coloration but everything is 100% and I personally like the axio products better than BD's. The AAS are painless and smooth as silk.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
yeah for me my axio doesnt hurt AT ALL... where as BD pained like hell
yeah for me my axio doesnt hurt AT ALL... where as BD pained like hell
yes me too. and im injecting 2 cc's in my delts
lol have fun with that
i go on axio board all the time it depends on the oil they use
This is my first cycle with Axio gear, but the test enanthate did make me a little sore for the first 2 pokes, but after that nothing. The EQ was smooth asa can be. Not tried the Tren A yet, but i will come my 3rd week.