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cheap ass cutting cycle

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i'm looking to do a cutting cycle, but winstrol is so damn expensive. i was thinking about doing just this. Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-10 tren 100mg EOD weeks 1-6?? and if i did add in some winstrol, how would 50mg EOD sound?

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Posts: 41 do testprop weeks 1-10..but do the tren weeks 5-10..because closer to the end of the cycle when ure bodyfat gets gets harder to hold onto muscle...weels 7-10 u dont wanna loose mass...and maybe throw in 50mgs winny eod last 4 weeks if ya want

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I would run winny ED due to its short half life. Winny can be pretty cheap if you buy the 50mg oral tabs.

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What about tossing in some Clen or T3??? Both of them seem to be fairly cheap right now..

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id toss in the clen at 25mcgs daily the last 5 weeks....i went as high as 50mcgs and after the cycle i lost a few lbs of muscle...i think clen is probably a betetr choice....or no higher than using prop ten weeks and winny first five and tren last 5 is good also...tren last 5 is better because since it has more androgens than winny...youll probbaly be more aggressive and have better workouts the last 5 weeks=more the last 5 weeks when ure pretty lean the winny could put some stress on ur joints...or supposedly take water outtta the joints..increasing risk of injury...take tren last 5 weeks....and do winny+ prop first 5...or if u wanna be more cost effective since winny is kinda expensive..just use prop at 500mgs first 5 weeks...then tren+ prop last 5...i think this is your best bet 🙂

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doing it this way is also WAY less taking on your system and a bit healthier and it should hold all your muscle mass...since thats the goal while dieting...

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Originally posted by BigNJ Or you could do: Week 1 to 10: Propionate @ 100mg EOD Week 1 to 5 : Tren @ 100mg EOD Week 6 to 10: Winny @ 50mg EOD wouldnt that put on some good mass too

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add the t3 if win is too $$

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- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Quiet E.
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ok guys, im doin the classic test/deca/dbol cycle...and i was thinking about adding some winny the last 5 question here is if its really worth it, or should i save my money..whats the benefit of adding winny towards the end of this cycle of mine, or should i hold out? whats up guys, some input plz.. Quiet E.

Killer Quads81
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Do tren the entire cycle. Start at 75mg/day and increase it after 5 or 6 weeks if you need to. There really is not much need for winny. You'll be on enough gear to retain muscle and the tren is gonna melt fat off you. Winny will harden you up, but if $$ is a concern, just leave it out.

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make fina 101

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
