chances to make a b...
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chances to make a baby? on gear a while now.

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what are my chances to create a kid?? I was on 800mg EQ since may 15-aug 3 and since aug 3 I have been on test, up to 1.5 gram/wk but am now recently on maintenance dose of 250 mg/wk.. so i have been 'on' for 5 months straight now. Used Nolvadex about 4 days ago, 40mg day 1, 40mg day 2, 20 mg day 3 as I had a painful left nip and sorta painful right nip but i've cut that out since it stopped hurting and there is no lumps. BTW, I'll be using an umbrella but I don't know if my gf should have to get on the pill or not.

bon scott
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Try two clomid per day till she tests positive good luck bs:D

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I think he's trying to avoid pregnancy not get her pregnant. Its a crap shoot bro, I/we conceived 1 while on and I know enough others who had the same thing happen so I wouldn't count on it as a reliable form of birth control.

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High dose test is a very effective male contraceptive. Even more reliable than the pill or wearing a condom, the World Health Organization did a study to decrease exploding populations in dirt poor countries. But like the bros above have pointed out nothing is 100% fool proof, there is always a chance you might conceive even if small. Personally, when I am on my girl never takes the pill and we don't use condoms and she hasn't gotten pregnant in years (knock on wood). Like I said though, statistically better then the pill or a condom (pill outranks the condom as far as effectiveness).

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Originally posted by ad234 High dose test is a very effective male contraceptive. Even more reliable than the pill or wearing a condom, the World Health Organization did a study to decrease exploding populations in dirt poor countries. But like the bros above have pointed out nothing is 100% fool proof, there is always a chance you might conceive even if small. Personally, when I am on my girl never takes the pill and we don't use condoms and she hasn't gotten pregnant in years (knock on wood). Like I said though, statistically better then the pill or a condom (pill outranks the condom as far as effectiveness). i'm not on high dose right now, just 250mg, though there should still be a high blood concentration from long acting cyp for the next week or so

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If you're trying to keep from getting her pregnant, don't take any chances. They call people who think they can't get pregnant "parents." Which is what you'll be if you think you can't get her pregnant.

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True. Very True.

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I believe I read in MD this month that any test taken 500mg per week or more has a higher percentage of blocking or stopping her getting pregnant than the Pill woman take or even condoms...

bon scott
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Good thing that you didn't follow my advice, I thought that you were trying for a positive pop!! bs:D

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I think 350mgwk of enan. is supposed to be nearly as effective at bcontrol as birth control pill..... I'd bet you've got a few months of sterility left since you were on that high a dose.....

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been on test and deca for last two months, well only the deca for the last month(got some shitty test), at 600mg each/week and no baby. Been hit'n at least once a day unprotected. But 6 years ago, I was on the same plus some reforvit-b(mexvet D-bol) and still managed to put one out. As said before, I wouldn't count on it as birthcontrol, especially if your in your early 20's.

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just make sure your test is actually the mg strength it says and take 4-500mg My bro was on 500mg test every 5-7dys for a yr.... and some winy off and on.... also took 5iu gh a day for 6+months.... went off the gear for 1.5 months and took 3-4 shots 5000iu hcg and within a month his wife was pregnant.... He also did gear for 6-7 yrs off and on before that.... He figures the gh had something to do with the quick recovery, not just the hcg.....

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damn-i'll never try bearbacking and bustin a load in my girl!! With my luck i'll be screwed!!
