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Caution Tren Sides

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I've been on Tren for 15 days,,,

Thought I would feel out how much I could take before unwanted sides show up....

Was taking 50mg ed and it was all good then bumped it up to 60mg ed for the past 2 days...

Woops!.... a bit too much for my liking... I woke up last night all hot... and my heart beating slighly faster and harder and my face was red,,, I had been drinking plenty of water but when I woke up my mouth was really dry... I knew I was already dehydrated and my BP was up.... Lucky for me I have some BP meds so I took that and started drinking more water again... 1/2 hr later I was back to normal.... I didn't like that at all... If I didn't have the meds I most likely would have gone to the hospital...

Damn that creeped up on me!... Glad this has a short 1/2 life... I skipped my shot today and may skip tomorrow then start back up @ 50mg or a little less...

But Damn does this stuff work!



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lol...thx for the update!

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Wow, no shit! It must be overdosed. I've taken 75mg ed before without any of those problems, and I'm soon to be on 100 ed. Thats good though, it will last you longer that way!

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Yea it may be overdosed... it's BD Trenabol Depot

After plugging in my daily doses using the Roid Calulator I was able to figure out what my max daily dose would be before the sides kicked in... Even @ 50mg I would have hit the level that gave me the sides,,, the 60mg just got me there quicker...

So it looks like my dosage is only 40mg ed... Not exactly how I wanted it but I would rather be safe and feel good... still that dose is 280mg a week and I think it's enough... and one more good thing is that just so happen by starting my 40mg shot today my blood levels will be exacly the same from now on...

This is the Roid Calculator if you havn't seen it yet....

Just so that you understand how it can be used... To calculate the Tren Depot what I did was at the top you will see a list of steroids with their 1/2 life... I just used "boldenone undecylenate" and where it says it's 1/2 life is 7 days... I just changed it to what Tren Depot is... 4 days... then down below I plugged in my doses...

By using the Roid Calculator I can see that in the Future I can safely Front load with a low dose of 60mg ed for 6 days to reach my blood dosage level I like then take 40mg from then on...


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Visions my bro you are on the Tren Depot. This is 100mg / ml and that is just the label It is more than that as per BD standards.

It is a longer acting steroid and does not require frequenst shots like in the Tren Acetate

Are you taking 1ml per day or 1/2 or what?

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To keep my blood levels exactly even I am taking ed shots... no biggie there...

As for dosing... every hash mark is 10mg..... so when I was taking 50mg ed... it was 1/2ml.... Now I will only be taking .4ml

Since the Tren Depot 1/2 life is 4 days... when you plug your numbers into the Roid Calulator you can see how quickly your blood levels swing if you do eod shots.... Since I have calculated my safe blood level is 38mg which is a 40mg shot ed.......

If I were to take my 40mg ed shot and put it together to only do 80mg eod.... This amount would spike my level above what I have calculated what is safe and good for me and would always keep me on the edge of feeling bad... this wouldn't be such a big deal with most other steroids but for me the sides with Tren are very closely dose related... As in it has a very steep curve on it's strength...

The good thing is that even though I had unwanted sides... they only lasted one day... I only had to skip one days dosage to get back on track...


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Wait until the funny thoughts start poping up in your head.. I made me a little nuts, until I realize it was the Tren.

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That's Tren for ya. The sides are rough, but you can't beat the results. I typically get night sweats, ridiculous heartburn, and become very edgy and impatient.

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Tom,,, I analize everything I take,,, not that I am paranoid,, but I just like to know all the effects... But I am very happy to say so far I have no crazy thoughts,,, 😯 Actually I've been in a very good mood lately... This low dose should help keep those sides away... I'm only 16 days into the cycle so who knows how I will react... By the way how much were you taking?

So far it seams like you can figure out how much to take to control the sides,,, but you just can't jump into this for the first time with a high dose cause it creeps up on you...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

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Visions or anyone else,is 75mg tren A every 3rd day to much for the first time?
