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can a wiman take 1/4 pill femara and 25mg proviron?

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wondering if any ladies or any of the guys on the boards girlfriends have tried maybey a quarter of a pill every other day for 4 weeks out.(lrtreaxole-femara) also 25mg of proviron with it extenesive cardio diet , workout and eating plan which i put her on a diet she getting ready too hop on stage and we have about 4 weeks left so we need too detail her. Anavar didnt agree with her stomach and test gave her too many physcoligical problems how will these 2 combined work 1/4 femara every other day 25mg proviron every day clen 2 week on followed by eca which we have been doing what you thinkits and 8 week diet alread seeing great orgress now i want too work her too the max will these help thanks also on water crushers from gnc mild dieretic over the counter,

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I've used the 25mg of proviron before....wouldn't use it for more then 2 weeks at a time...not sure about the femara cutie
