BP, Diet, and Diana...
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BP, Diet, and Dianabol

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I've got a quick question for everyone regarding BP...

I definately knew before I started this cycle that my BP would go up, and that was just something to deal with. However, what increase in BP is considered fairly normal, and at what point should I get very concerned?

I've always been pretty much a 120/80 guy, and after starting


I know the Dianoxyl-22995'>Dbol is making my BP go up. In the first day or so I saw it as high as 145/85, but now it seems to have leveled off to an average of about 135/75.

Melatonin is REALLY helping at night, and I have cut to minimal sodium and lowered carbs. This definately seems to help.

So, is this a normal rise in BP? Or should I be concerned? In addition to the melatonin, I also added some Co-Q 10 for more CV protection, and as always, drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water every day.

Some observations I've made in the first 5 days of this cycle...

1) Dbol definately makes me swell up like a dead catfish! (Limiting sodium and lowering carbs has helped. HCTZ on the way...)

2) I can definately feel my pulse and my BP go up within 30-45 minutes of taking 10mg of Dbol. (Doing 10mg 3XD)

3) I've switched to doing ALL my cardio first thing in the morning BEFORE taking my first 10mg because it pushes my pulse up QUICK, and takes my breath away!

4) After I finish this first four weeks of Dbol to start this cycle, I probably won't do orals again. (I know, I know...you've ALL said it a million times before, and my stubborn ass didn't listen. )

As always, thanks guys!

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That's exactly what I wanted to hear...Specially from the Jman.


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Adding an AI will reduce both bloat and bp.

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Awesome! Thanks liftsiron!

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But adding the AI will decrease dbols effectiveness...lol it's a trade-off!

I'm with jb on the bp level.

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Posted by: ready2explode
But adding the AI will decrease dbols effectiveness...lol it's a trade-off!

I'm with jb on the bp level.

It will reduce the bloat which may have minimal effect on strength. Many equate bloat as gains from D-bol or a-50.

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We can disagree the the amount of effect bloat has on strength, but we both agree it does have an effect. If it has an effect on strength, then it can be said to have an effect on musclular hypertrophy. The more weight that can be pushed, the more damage that can be done to the muscle.

Keep in mind the addition benefits of estrogen, ie igf-1.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
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Thanks for the response also ready!

There has been a little bit of a change to the plans of my cycle.

I've dumped the dbol altogether...

I had noticed that the last week I was taking it, I was completely out of it. I had a few spells where I was totally zoned out, severe problems concentrating, etc. Wild, wacky stuff.

I decided to just dump it because I'm going into week four of the test e anyways and it's starting to kick in. I'm pretty sure this will be the last time I ever use orals. Especially those from Mexico...

So, HOW many times do I have to be hit in the head before it finally sinks in?

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Posted by: RaetherEnt
Thanks for the response also ready!

There has been a little bit of a change to the plans of my cycle.

I've dumped the dbol altogether...

I had noticed that the last week I was taking it, I was completely out of it. I had a few spells where I was totally zoned out, severe problems concentrating, etc. Wild, wacky stuff.

I decided to just dump it because I'm going into week four of the Test E anyways and it's starting to kick in. I'm pretty sure this will be the last time I ever use orals. Especially those from Mexico...

So, HOW many times do I have to be hit in the head before it finally sinks in?

I think that drugs like d-bol and Anadrol are more mental than anything else, I have never known anyone to retain gains made from a d-bol or anadrol cycle unless test was used. Then you end up with nearly the same gains in the long run on a test only cycle anyhow so why bother with the d-bol? Unless you want fast quick strength right from the getgo.

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2) I can definately feel my pulse and my BP go up within 30-45 minutes of taking 10mg of Dbol.


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Posted by: Andy13

Sure it's called placebo

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i love these guys over on another board who "feel" the HCG shot about 30min after they take it.


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Liftsiron, I think you are probably EXACTLY right! I do have to add to that however, that I am now questioning the quality of that Mexican Dianabol and what it actually contained in the first place...

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I believe you could have it tested for $100, if you really wanna know.

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"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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