Blood Test Results ...
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Blood Test Results and Test "cruising"

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Mid-30's Male, in shape, experienced lifter, not currently "on cycle":

Blood test results:

Cholestrol - 82 (HDL 49, LDL 25) - Deemed LOW
Triglycerides - 39 - Also Deemed LOW
Free Test - 389 - Could be deemed low, but not by most US doctors now!

My goal: increase Testosterone and all the benefits that go along with that. Also, goal "B" is to increase cholesterol.

So a cycle will typically raise cholesterol (and especially testosterone). But what about cruising on 50mg-100mg of Test Cyp per week? What's the "right" amount of test per week to elevate test to 1,000 or so without blowing cholesterol out of the water. I know a test 12-wk cycle of 500mg/wk for 12 weeks will result in test numbers out of the range. So while I will do that, after PCT what is a good cruising "therapy" dose for me?

All opinions welcome! Afterall, this entire discussion is hypothetical if AAS is illegal where you (or I) am.


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Better check what the scale the test uses... mine was 200-821

150mg of test e a week puts me @ 751 out of 821 = 91%


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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Thanks Visions!

What are some thoughts and opinions from everyone on these options:

1) Start 150mg of test (e or c) each week (sort of my own therapy)

2) Cycle 600mg/wk for 12wks then normal 4wk PCT

If you have low test, after 12wks and following PCT it will return to it's "normal" or low state, correct? So would option #1 be better for long term muscle growth and maintaining the best body possible? Or would option #2 to blast it up then recover be better (assuming 12-16 weeks after PCT we start another cycle)...

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At 389 test level I would consider using Aromasin to bring your level to over 600 first... try it for a month and get blood work done... if all pans out good including estradiol level still being in the normal range then you cycle as normal and do PCT but instead of getting on TRT you use Aromasin to increase your test 60% higher then normal... Nothing works better or feels better then the natural test your body makes... If that doesn't work then consider TRT .... Blood work is a must... Don't rush things and skip blood work cause then you'll never really know how well its working for you


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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Thanks Visions!

Got a ton of blood work done and should have results in a few days. So will keep you up to speed. As for Exeplex, you mention running alone for a month (probably 25mg a day, ED). Then, after a month, get blood work again. Then, after all of that, try another cycle? Did I get that correct?

I've read to run aromasin within a cycle as well as PCT, but in your reply you mention running alone to see if it's effect on my free test is positive. Makes sense. But, what sides exist running alone? Same potential sides as running a test cycle?

Thanks again man.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 180

[quote=oldark;160308]Thanks Visions!

Got a ton of blood work done and should have results in a few days. So will keep you up to speed. As for Exeplex, you mention running alone for a month (probably 25mg a day, ED). Then, after a month, get blood work again. Then, after all of that, try another cycle? Did I get that correct? Yes

I've read to run aromasin within a cycle as well as PCT, but in your reply you mention running alone to see if it's effect on my free test is positive. Makes sense. But, what sides exist running alone? Same potential sides as running a test cycle? Your levels will be more even then taking a shot,,, you'll be making your own test which is better... you shouldn't have any negative sides since your levels will still be in the normal range... Studies show that Estradiol will lower into the low normal range which is fine... if its below normal then that would be of concern and TRT should be considered...

Again give it at least a month to work and balance out... then get tested again...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!
