Blast Body Parts or...
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Blast Body Parts or Compound Movements?

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I've been debating with my friends and we were wondering if you are on a cycle (say Test & Dbol) is it better to blast a body part a day (ie chest one day, legs another) or compound movements (deadlift, benchpress, squat?). What do the gurus think?

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Just me but i stick w/ compound and power movements to get the greatest amount of muscle fibers engaged in the workout to cause optimal growth. The more you engage the more will have to be built back up while your eating and resting and that will cause more growth imo.

Heres an example show me someone who clean and presses 315 for reps and im sure there gonna have huge shoulders, a built back, and large legs. Another example show me someone who deads 405 for reps and he's gonna be thick as hell. But you can machine row till your sick and look like you havnt lifted a day in your life.

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I agree with Fonz. I think compound movements should be the foundation of any workout. Especially, it you are trying to put on overall size. I think you should include at least one compund movement per body part and a a few isolation excercises.

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I probably wasn't clear enough. Would ya'll rather do:

A. Workouts which isolate a body part per day like all chest one day, legs one day, back one day, blah blah blah.


B. A workout that includes different muscle groups (3-4) ie chest, back, tris

This question is specific to when taking Dbol or Tbol & test


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A. imo
i understood your Quest first time. the reason though may be different to most ppl. id blast your weak areas. with compunds your employing more bodyparts so its harder to home in your weaker muscle groups. just my opinion though
