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beginer suggestions

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I am currently contemplating going on something having been natural so far. My goals are athletically related and no so much aesthetic in nature. I was wondering if you guys would give me advice on what would be recomended. If possible I would like to avoid long term side effects, and am looking for more strength gains and recovery to be at max. I really don't care about size seeing as how it would be less obvious I was on something anyways. Lastly, I am not to fond of injectables, maybe someone can change my mind...thanks for your time, carpe

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what are your stats? how long have you been lifting weights? not a good idea to just run an oral... injectables suck when you have to shoot it the first time, but you begin to love them after awhle....

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What sport are you training for?

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stats: 6'1" 178lbs. Bench: 240lbs. Squat:315lbs. C&J: 250lbs. Dead: 410lbs.(2"thick bar) Been lifting for 5 years

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For strength it's hard to beat Tren.

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I am training for football and sprinting so I am mostly a speed oriented athlete..also I do triple jump every so often

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How old are you?

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If your really just looking to boost your athletic skills: the use of some steroids may introduce side effects such as shortness of breath that would compromise your speed. Make sure you do your research first, but I suggest that you train for speed under the guidance of your coach rather than through drug use. As for a supplement suggestion to help you go faster I suggest using 25mg Ephedrine Hcl, 200 Mg Caffeine, 200 Mg Aspirin, 400mg Yohimbe (don't forget the yohimbine, it makes a difference) one-hour before your training session. This will increase blood flow and allow you to tax your endurance more, but if you make a habit out of it your lung capacity will diminish slowly due to a bronchodialation effect being adjusted for naturally (i.e. lungs slowly retain water). To speed recovery, I use 3 servings of whey throughout the day, three multivitamins throughout the day and 2-4 grams of vitamin C. I also drink enough water (via koolaid) to fill a swimming pool. This helps recovery a lot. You can also speed up your recovery significantly by taking a short nap during the middle of the day. I try to sneak in at least one hour but your job may not permit that. if not, try going to bed an hour earlier than usual. In the old days Oxygen was used to boost endurance and speed right before training, but I'm not sure if you have access to that. They used to market Oxygen in a can, I'm not sure if that's around anymore. (You can tell I'm a dinosaur!) Finally, I have found meditation very helpful for recovery. That is, if you can call flogging it to the latest issue of Juggs, meditation. Just kidding!

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Ya I would do what the hairy man says, speed training in the gym, alot of dynamic effort power exersizes... Glutamine 5-10 g a day also helps to aid recovery. Creatine can be used to aid recovery, marginaly, and will add some strength to your lifts. If your schedule lets u u could also take a nap everyday...even an hour will help recovery greatly.
