AS healing capabili...
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AS healing capabilities?

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I had surgery a few days ago on a suspected hernia. Well, it wasn't a hernia and I was told that I completely tore a muscle in the same area. My question is, would AS help heal a torn muscle faster. Keep in mind that I am not trying to build any muscle at the time and am staying relatively inactive until this heals. Would AS help?

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I would wait a little while and then maybe start some low dosage AAS. I had ankle surgery in july and I started gear again (1-test cypionate and winstrol) right before my physical therapy started in the beginning of september, and it definitley made a big difference in the amount of time it took for my ankle and calf to regain its strength. I was doing the same excersises in one week of physical therapy that others take months to do. I guess I didnt lose much of my original strength either but I do feel the AAS helped. Just let it heal naturally for a while first.

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It's been six weeks since I tore it. I am really anxious for it to heal because I have the same pain someone with a hernia would have. My balls ache all day every day and have so for the last six weeks. I really quite tired of my balls hurting.

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maybe those other steroids, cortisonesteroids.. not sure what they're exactly called.. they're not anabolic, but are in fact kinda catabolic, but anways they help bring down swelling.

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Originally posted by massachuset maybe those other steroids, cortisonesteroids.. not sure what they're exactly called.. they're not anabolic, but are in fact kinda catabolic, but anways they help bring down swelling. DO NOT use a corticosteroid. They have extremely bad side affects. This is horrible info and you should not give info like this if you dont know about it,

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i know they have side-effects.. i mentioned one of them its catabolic.. its not bad info,, it does help with any swelling which would help it heal faster... i dont think anyone here would expect him to get it off the black market or anything, but go see a doctor maybe LOL... lol

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I've had corticosteroids before for my spine. I know what they do and I know the side effects (they are not that extreme). A few shots won't have any large impact on your body except pain reduction and a little bloat. But, as for as I'm aware they do not help heal tissue. I'm asking about anabolic steroids because I want to bulid tissue.

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Originally posted by shiffteeslim I've had corticosteroids before for my spine. I know what they do and I know the side effects (they are not that extreme). Bro, they are extremely bad for joints, especially hips. My wifes father has a lung disaese and had to take Prednisone for a while. It ruined both of his hips and now needs both hips replaced. But because of the lung disaese he cannot have the operation. So now he is on permanent disability.

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I've read Articles that in other countries that they give "steroids" to patients after plastic surgery such as nose jobs etc, where the bone is broken.. and it speeds up the healing process dramatically. I never was sure tho if they were talking about anabolic steroids, or the Cortizesteroids. but thats broken bone, not muscle tissue attachment to a bone. might not relate. AS does increase blood flow and increase oxygen to the muscle properties that u would think would help the healing process... anyways BUMP

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back like 30 years ago when steroids were legal they would prescribe D-bol'>Dianabol for muscle and ligament injuries... so yes AAS will help it heal faster becase they stimulate muscle growth
