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Anybody had great results with equipoise?

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That cycle on the bottom is from Big Man i have eq in at 600 also. AMINOMAN

Killer Quads81
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I ran it w/ ref-b and ara-test and had great results at only 500mg/week. Ran it for a very short time w/ some t400 at only 400mg/week and had descent results. Gives me crazy hunger pains........Love it.

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I will be starting my cycle next week, first time with EQ and Deca. I will be running Deca, EQ, T3, and Clen, looking to get lean and hard. Normally I just run Test, var, and primo, so I will be interested to see how my body responds to the new cycle. I of course will be including the usual additions, universal animal pak, creatine, protein, etc..

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Originally posted by Histo171 If your looking for gains that you can keep after coming off which direction with Eq would you go? Keeping gains has more to do with PCT and proper diet then what gear you run with EQ. Run a test with it and follow proper PCT and you'll hold on to a decent amount of size.

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How many of you guys that are running these high doses of EQ have had blood work done post cycle.. I love eq but the elevated RBC can be dangerous.. even at 400mg/week you guys are getting into dangerous ground.. I've ran eq @ 800mg/wk & loved it but since I've seen what it does to RBC I won't go over 400mg/wk..

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whats rbc?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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red blood cell count i love EQ steroid for mass gains without affecting your hairline and very cost effective too...a single 50cc bottle is all thats needed for a cycle of EQ (for me that is). i usually do 400mg/wk. i tried Ultragan once at 700mg/wk and didnt like the stuff, havent tried any of the 200mg/ml stuff but i'll stick with my 50mg/ml Fort Dodge.

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red blood cell count i love EQ steroid for mass gains without affecting your hairline and very cost effective too...a single 50cc bottle is all thats needed for a cycle of EQ (for me that is). i usually do 400mg/wk. i tried Ultragan once at 700mg/wk and didnt like the stuff, havent tried any of the 200mg/ml stuff but i'll stick with my 50mg/ml Fort Dodge.

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awesome stuff, i love it although i rarely use more than 400mgs per week, the only side i've ever had is a little rage, i know it sounds strange. i get good solid gains with it , but it works better combined in a cycle---prop, winny, eq, etc. i only used it for cutting, makes me get realy lean, the more i eat the leaner i get. but it isnt a substitute for deca, but i like it better.

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