I was wondering if any anabolic steriods lower the immune system because I have an autoimmune disease that requires me to take corticosteroids to lower my immune system but every time im on them every bit of muscle i work to build gets eaten away very fast. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I could have sworn I read that initially all steroids BOOST the immune system but after staying on for a while it can have the opposite effect. Anyone able to clear this up? A good question.
you immune system becomes lowered after your cycle when you are trying to recover. you can also become sick if you're injecting a dirtier product, hence the "sustenon flu" you get sometimes. other than that, i can walk through a pile of vomit naked and hardly get sick while i'm on gear. when i come off, i better LOAD on vitaminc C, E, zinc, etc.
note: i have never run through vomit naked and i don't plan to. i was just making a dumb comment
test makes a lot of ppl sick
well... this is interesting, because recently i set my bro up with an identical cycle as myself and one other friend.. and he got sick 3 times during the cycle. I mean pretty bad too. We took the SAME shit and neither myself of my other friend got sick...guess we all react differently... I know I have felt GREAT! plus my friend (the sick one) says he NEVER gets sick... So MAYBE it had a negative effect on his immune system. had he just got sick once I would think it was mere coincidence, but he got sick at 3 different points. I think he is afraid of the juice for life now! btw - cycle included Primoteston/Naps/Stanozol..
im actually looking for an anobolic steroid to lower my immune system because corticolsteroids eat muscle and lower the immune system but make me feel worse many times that I am on them. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any steroids that have been proven to lower the immune system that i could refer to my Dr.