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Any chemistry bros? Need urgent help on test. synth

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ok bros i have a little chemistry under my belt but need word back from more chemically inclined if this will yeild what we want. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Materials needed-- Androstenedione (powder) Methanol Sodium Borohydride Acetic Acid Distilled Water Litmus Paper Thermometer Also: Beaker or glass container for the reaction, a pot for salt ice water bath, a spoon, fliter, an eyedropper (1 to 2cc). Procedure-- 10 grams of Androstenedione is dissolved in 400ml methanol and cooled to 32 degrees Fahrenheit in a salt/ice bath (like making ice cream) 2.5g sodium borohydride is added while the solution is stirred. Stir for 45 minutes while the temp is 32 degrees. After 45 minutes, acetic acid is added, while stirring, in increments of 2ml at a time (hydrogenn gas will evolve) After each addition, the pH of the solution should be checked. When the pH bgins to turn acidic on the litmus paper, tehn stop. Concentrate methanol solution to 50ml by evaporation. Mix with 700ml distilled water. Filter off the cloudy precipitate. Wash filter cake with water several times. Air or oven dry at a temp of no more that 150 degrees. Final product will be 80% test, with the rest being unreacted andro and a mix of 3-alpha, 17-beta, and 3-beta, 17-beta androstendiols. All of which are also anabolic. For administration, mix with propyleneglycol and or ethanol in a concentration of 30mg/ml, and take 1/3 of a millimeter, or 33insulin IUs under the tongue, one hour before training. This is very simple and if I could get postive feed back that it worked well..... Thanks in advance

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I saw this one other time and couldn't remember where, but if anyone has any experience with this sorta thing, PLEASE provide input. I have the chemistry background, but don't wanna waste time and product for something invaluable. In other words----------------------BUMP!:D

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Androstenedione is a molecule with one ketone function, and one alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone function. Reduction of the simple ketone function only (which I guess NaBH4 is more selective towards) to an alcohol would give testosterone. Reduction of both ketones would give a Testosterone analog ("testosterol"?) with two hydroxyls and no carbonyl function. In theory the reaction works just fine, the only worry is the stereoselectivity of the ketone reductions, as the result is an optically active secondary alcohol. But I should have more word back soon ๐Ÿ˜€

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I just got an email from a professional chemist who finds it unlikely that NaBH4 would be that selective with androstenedione. He goes on to tell that NaBH4 most often reduces alpha-beta-unsaturated ketones to the fully saturated alcohol, and that the selectivity towards the simple ketone would not be that great. LAH would reduce the ketone to an alcohol, and only reduce the other ketone function to an alpha-beta-unsaturated alcohol. Perhaps the writeup isn't as great as it first seems. Please any chem bros help me!!!! This could be a great thing for all of us!!!

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Bump!!!!! someone knows please help bros out!!!

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Dont want to respond in public????? e-mail me @: [email protected] thanks and BUMP!!!

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Hey ceck this one out cyclone SYNTHESIS OF TESTOSTERONE FROM DHEA Testerone from bacteria culture US Patent # 2,236,574 Suspend 40g yeast in 160 ml water and add, if possible, 1.5g of disodium hydrogen phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Shake in oxygen atmosphere for 1 day and then add lg (1000mg) DHEA suspended in 150ml of water and shake for another 2 days in oxygen atmosphere. Then add 130g invert sugar (or brown sugar or honey) and let stand 3 days at room temperature. The mixture is then extracted with three 50ml portions of ether (shaken with the ether then the ether separated) or methylene chloride, and the ether washed by shaking with water and separating ether solution. Evaporate ether to get testosterone. SYNTHESIS OF ESTER OF TESTOSTERONE (cypionate and propionate) Dissolve 5g testosterone (or analog) in 25mi pyridine or dry ether and add 3g propionic anhydride (or propionyl chloride) OR cypionyl chloride(cyclopentylpropionyl chloride) to get the propionate and cypionate respectively. Let stand over night and add excess water, filter, wash, and dry. Steroids Related to Testosterone Oil-soluble derivatives of testosterone itself predate those of its 19-nor congener, these agents too are used to administer depot injections so as to provide in effect long term blood levels of drug. Thus, acylation of testosterone with propionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine yields Testosterone Propionate; acylation by means of decanoic anhydride yields testosterone decanoate. Finally, reaction with 3-cyclopentylpropionyl chloride affords testosterone cypionate. This last undergoes hydrolysis unusually slowly because of the presence of two substituents at the 6 postion. Reaction of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) with an excess of methylmagnesium bromide affords the 17a-methyl compound; again the aforementioned stedc effects lead to high stereoselectivity. Oppenauer oxidation of the resultant intermediate proceeds with a shift of the double bond into conjugation to yield methyltestosterone. When the initial condensation is canted out with the Grignard reagent from allyl bromide instead, this sequence yields allylestrenol. Perhaps most startling is the fact that the product obtained from the use of a metal acetylide in this synthesis . ethisterone, shows little if any, if any androgenic potency. Instead, the compound is an orally effective progestin. These agents have all been used at one time as orally active anabolic-androgenic agents. Dehydrogenation of methyltestosterone by means of chloranil extends the conjugation to afford the 4,6-diene-3-one- system. This compound in turn undergoes 1,6 conjugate addition of methylmagnesium bromide in the presence of cuprous chloride to afford largely the 6a-methyl product,known as bolasterones. Dehydrogenation with selenium dioxide, on the other hand, affords the cross conjugated diene, aka Dianabol. Hydroxylation of the double bond of methyltestosterone by means of osmium tetro dde and hydrogen peroxide afford the 4,5 diol. This undergoes beta elimination on treatment with base to yield oxymestrone. Catalytic reduction of DHEA goes as expected largely from the unhindered side of the molecule to afford a trans A/B dng fusion. Reaction with methyl Grignard reagent followed by oxidation of the intermediate yields androstanolone (1). Formylation of (1) with ethyl formate and base gives oxymetholone (aka Anadrol), Catalytic reduction of the analogous hydroxmethylene compound from dihydrotestosterone propionate gives first the 28-methyl product. Treatment with base leads this to isomerize to the thermodynamically favored equatedal 2a-methyl compound., dromostanolone propionate. The formyl ketone undergoes a reaction typical of this fuctional array on treatment with hydazine, leading to formation of the anabolic steroidal pyrazole, stanazole. Tell me what you think this one is proven effective.

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Also the first one is also been verified to be %100 effective!! You will get a lower yield of testosterone and a mixture of all the possible androstenediols. You will probably get a clean mixture (i e no tars), but it will be hard to separate all the steroids from each other but other then that it is all good!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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You'll be extremely lucky to even get up to 100mg/mL in a chem. lab. These synthesis' you just listed are done by a number of college students, and the yeild is normally fairly low. A cool experiment to attempt, but not worth the time and money if you want to do it for your own cycles.

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what if you add some Dbol to some yeast, make'm reproduce to yield more dbol!!!!!! or add dbol to yogurt and let the culture multiply some more????????? dont mind my stupidty unless the ideas work. LOL:D

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Hey loophole, do you know of anyone actually atempting these procedures? Do you have any chemistry background? My figures are something like this: 100 grams androstendione= 100,000mg A low yeild on this would be = 20,000mg testosterone If you could not inject (which im sure you could) That would still be a shit load of oral test. Also I would estimate the cost at no more then $350 and the amount of time would be less then 1 day.

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Let us know how it goes bro!!! 20 grammes of T for $350 isn't that cheap though

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This sounds great in theory, but the yield would definetly be low, and not worth the time for personal or distribution uses.. Originally posted by Batmaniac Let us know how it goes bro!!! 20 grammes of T for $350 isn't that cheap though no its not that cheap, not if you figure a bottle of test cyp has 200mg/ml X 10 ml this equates to 2g.... then multiply by 10 to get 20 grams, say the test was $40 a bottle that equates to $400.. Not much of a savings. If you try it though and it works (after test according to USP or other) let us know, I would be willing to whip up a batch ... ๐Ÿ™‚

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Like I said before, this would be no more then a fun experiment. And yes, from discussions with others who HAVE done these synthesis', and like DNPguru just said, yeilds will be very low. A good, very educated bro from AnabolicFitness got almost 100mg/mL of from cypionatic (sp?) acid, and that was the best he got. All sorts of synthesis of testosterone and many others are readily available on the net, but, the ending result is always a poor yeild and not worth the time and money. Imagine if all of this really did work as great and aesy as it seems here, testosterone would be so very easy to get from any university and it would be extremely cheap.
