Anavar for Enduranc...
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Anavar for Endurance

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Posted by: pillsbury
are you hoping that the var dose will be low enough that it wont negatively affect nat test levels? to carry that further then you are hoping the ai will boost natural levels?
im pretty sure 30mg of var will shut you down, provided its even real and not some methyltest or some shit. once you're shut down from exo drugs nothing is going get you back kicking until you get off.

Sorry, I was truly showing my ignorance before. A quick search for 'does Anavar reduce testosterone' has given me the answer. Suppose that's why all the BB guys supplement it with Test.

Guess I'll leave the Var for non cycling weeks then

Bus King
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Novadex won't do anything for you if you are on Var. You can start taking it after the Var if you have no PCT. Just remember, every good cycle should have Test in it too. 30 mgs is a lot. I totally understand that you want to take it because you have it, so go right ahead. I think it will help recovery days but for every day I took it, I had 1-2 bad days afterward. Maybe i would try it during a rest week for the first 3 days just to recover quicker. But then it won't help strengeth very much.

If you want good recovery try CJC-1295/GHRP -6, and some Test at 100-150 max per week. Injecting is much safer and better. deca on top of that will make you fly. That is of course if you can't get EPO instead!

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Posted by: Bus King
Novadex won't do anything for you if you are on Var. You can start taking it after the Var if you have no PCT. Just remember, every good cycle should have Test in it too. 30 mgs is a lot. I totally understand that you want to take it because you have it, so go right ahead. I think it will help recovery days but for every day I took it, I had 1-2 bad days afterward. Maybe i would try it during a rest week for the first 3 days just to recover quicker. But then it won't help strengeth very much.

If you want good recovery try CJC-1295/GHRP -6, and some Test at 100-150 max per week. Injecting is much safer and better. Deca on top of that will make you fly. That is of course if you can't get EPO instead!

Yeah, I'm pretty much made up that I'll use the Var on my weeks off now when endurance isn't an issue. For now though, I'm just on the stuff until I get an AI.

For now, I don't want to inject. If anything, I'll go HGH when I think my riding justifies it. At the moment, I just don't see the need. Wouldn't touch Deca, ever. Detection can be upto a 18 months after. That's a big no no.

Bus King
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yeah if you're being tested hell no to deca. CJC 1295 + GHRP is a great substitute for HGH and much cheaper.

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Posted by: Bus King
yeah if you're being tested hell no to deca. CJC 1295 + GHRP is a great substitute for HGH and much cheaper.

What about GHRP by itself as CJC 1295 is apparently quite expensive??

I'll be honest, I've never even heard of the stuff before but I'll definitely be looking into it a bit more. Is it comparable to HGH in it's efficacy or is HGH still superior?

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like yourself i ran var for my first cycle, for the same reasons.

its didn't shut me down regards training but it did kill all my sex drive and give me bad acne.

however all that was prior to finding this site and its info.

I've also run ghrp-2 and 6 with and with out cjc but i can't say it did a lot for me. its not that expensive compared to HGH , IMO.

Igf.1 lr3 and vit-e however were both great. thats what i plan on doing again next season.

Igf really worked well for me.

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Posted by: k-dogg
like yourself i ran var for my first cycle, for the same reasons.

its didn't shut me down regards training but it did kill all my sex drive and give me bad acne.

however all that was prior to finding this site and its info.

I've also run ghrp-2 and 6 with and with out cjc but i can't say it did a lot for me. its not that expensive compared to HGH , IMO.

Igf.1 lr3 and vit-e however were both great. thats what i plan on doing again next season.

Igf really worked well for me.

Yeah, I've had no sex drive for ages and I'm beyond the point of caring. No wife/girlfriend makes it a simple choice.

Has anyone here who's a cyclist used an AI by itself purely for increase in Test? If so, which one was used and what did you think of the effects.

As you can probably tell, I'm not too keen on injecting at the moment, I'm slowly easing myself into it.

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i was exactly like you this time last year so i totally understand.

however for my self i now see my initial ventures were really a waste of money and a cost to my overall health.

the first time i pinned was a nervous experience, but after that its real easy. especially SQ its pretty much painless. Iv is a little more work mentally, but the differences in performance from the injectables i took, compared to the orals were huge.

still its wise to take your time and figure all that out for your self in your own time.

good luck

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Posted by: kaytoo
The only potential cause for a negative impact on endurance, potentially, could be the decreased levels of cortisol but I'm not even sure if that's relevant.

How about the lack of estrogen and the corresponding effect on glucose utilization?

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Posted by: kaytoo
Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but if I'm going to use an AI to increase endogenous T then why would Var interfere with that?

Arimidex increases T levels directly by blocking the conversion of test to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme.

If you're supplementing var, your body won't produce test and therefore, no estrogen.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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Posted by: Bus King
I'm sorry but that research is probably not correct. Realgains is the bible on this forum from years of research from the best experts and Anavar is on the do not use list with many experienced athletes because it makes your performance go down the toilet. Maybe there is individual circumstances that makes you different. But i did it for the same reason and had to stop really fast. for 0-2 minutes it can be good.

I'm sorry - I have all the respect in the world for RG, but he cannot be used as a reference. Maybe RG himself will explain the science, but to provide a reply that instructs someone not to do something just because someone else said not to isn't what we're about here.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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Posted by: kaytoo
A quick search for 'does Anavar reduce testosterone' has given me the answer. Suppose that's why all the BB guys supplement it with Test.

No, most bb guys supplement test with var because var doesn't give the type of muscle gains that most bbers are looking to attain.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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Posted by: ready2explode
I'm sorry - I have all the respect in the world for RG, but he cannot be used as a reference. Maybe RG himself will explain the science, but to provide a reply that instructs someone not to do something just because someone else said not to isn't what we're about here.

Agreed, I've read some of his posts and they're very insightful but I don't know the guy personally so for now, I'll play it by ear and see what happens.

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Posted by: k-dogg
like yourself i ran var for my first cycle, for the same reasons.

its didn't shut me down regards training but it did kill all my sex drive and give me bad acne.

however all that was prior to finding this site and its info.

I've also run ghrp-2 and 6 with and with out cjc but i can't say it did a lot for me. its not that expensive compared to HGH , IMO.

Igf.1 lr3 and vit-e however were both great. thats what i plan on doing again next season.

Igf really worked well for me.

I've been reading up on GHRP-2/CJC-1295. I can't see anywhere if it's injectable or oral.

At the moment, I'd prefer oral as it's easier to hide from the people I live with. Don't want them finding needles and thinking I'm some junkie smackhead

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they are injectable peptides, check out forums for further info on them.

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