Anavar for Enduranc...
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Anavar for Endurance

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Hi guys,

This is my first post so be gentle.

I'm a competitive cyclist and have just started a cycle on Anavar. From what I've researched, it's meant to increase strength. With strength not being a major factor in endurance cycling, my real question is, will Anavar aid in recovery after a hard session.

Thanks in advance

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try reposting this in the endurance section. most recommend low dose test for recovery.


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Welcome aboard! And you're off to a great start by actually trying to research prior to asking a question. Our search engine is a goldmine.

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Yeah, thanks. I'm humbled by my n00bness.

I'm used to trolling around the BB forums so not really used to such an abundance of information regarding AAS and general fitness/endurance

Bus King
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Anavar is terrible for cyclists. You might recover, but you won't be able to ride fast at all because your legs will feel like cement blocks. If there is one thing I would not reccomend for endurance it's anavar even though it look like it would be a good one. Test is the best recovery agent by far for the money.

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Posted by: Bus King
Anavar is terrible for cyclists. You might recover, but you won't be able to ride fast at all because your legs will feel like cement blocks. If there is one thing I would not reccomend for endurance it's anavar even though it look like it would be a good one. Test is the best recovery agent by far for the money.

I've read this on numerous occasions on this forum but am yet to see any justification. My research indicates that Anavar increases ATP synthesis in the muscle, or something to that effect, making it very similar to creatine. It may not have a direct application to endurance cycling, but in a race, short intense efforts are quite normal and in my opinion, the ability to recover from these quickly is an added benefit.

The only potential cause for a negative impact on endurance, potentially, could be the decreased levels of cortisol but I'm not even sure if that's relevant.

As a note to any who may be reading this, I've not noticed the Anavar have a negative impact on endurance, granted I've only been on it for about 4 days and my only real test has been 2 x 40 minutes at about 85%-90% of FTP. If anything, it was a little bit easier than previous efforts although this might just be the placebo effect

I only really started looking into test at increasing recovery very recently as mine is terribly low. I never even knew endurance sport decreased test levels until I started browsing this forum. I'm not too keen on injections so I've got some Arimidex on order and some Nolvadex XT which should arrive tomorrow. I'm not entirely convinced if the Nolvadex will actually help but the consensus on this forum seems to be good. It's mainly to tie me over until the Arimidex arrives.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Novadex XT and arimidex are both AI's. Neither will increase endogenous test until you come off the var.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

Bus King
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If you can ride on Var, you would be an exception. I was only on it for 4 days but my rides went so horribly bad for no reason other than the fact I was on Var. Even an hour, I just wanted to quit. As soon as I came off about 3 days later i was normal again. I was not even training that hard to be tired for any other reason.

95% of people have had this same reaction. I think it would help a sprint, but if you can't make it to the sprint, then forget it.

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Posted by: Bus King
If you can ride on Var, you would be an exception. I was only on it for 4 days but my rides went so horribly bad for no reason other than the fact I was on Var. Even an hour, I just wanted to quit. As soon as I came off about 3 days later i was normal again. I was not even training that hard to be tired for any other reason.

95% of people have had this same reaction. I think it would help a sprint, but if you can't make it to the sprint, then forget it.

Maybe I'm just some kind of freak

Like I mentioned. None of my research into Anavar would indicate any adverse effect on endurance/oxygen uptake.

It might be to do with my dosing as it's fairly low ie 20mg in the morning and another 10mg at about 17:00.

I'll see how it goes for the next few days until the AIs arrive, I've got 8.5 hours planned over the weekend with some FTP efforts on Sunday.

BTW, why would Arimidex be useless when using Anavar? Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but if I'm going to use an AI to increase endogenous T then why would Var interfere with that?


Bus King
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I'm sorry but that research is probably not correct. Realgains is the bible on this forum from years of research from the best experts and Anavar is on the do not use list with many experienced athletes because it makes your performance go down the toilet. Maybe there is individual circumstances that makes you different. But i did it for the same reason and had to stop really fast. for 0-2 minutes it can be good.

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Posted by: Bus King
I'm sorry but that research is probably not correct. Realgains is the bible on this forum from years of research from the best experts and Anavar is on the do not use list with many experienced athletes because it makes your performance go down the toilet. Maybe there is individual circumstances that makes you different. But i did it for the same reason and had to stop really fast. for 0-2 minutes it can be good.

I totally agree that the research can be wrong. Cyclists love clen yet my own experience is terrible. After 2 weeks on the stuff, @80mcg a day, I felt like I've been hit by a truck. I could hardly get out of bed not to mention maintain a pathetic endurance intensity on the bike. To add to that, I could hardly notice any fat loss. Did way better on ECA.

For now I'll use myself as a guinea pig and make my mind up on the advantages/disadvantages of Var. Hopefully my AI arrives sooner rather than later as the raised Test would be a lot more helpful

Bus King
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Just curious,

Are you only just getting into this kind of stuff? I was the same way you were a few years ago. clen is not used by cyclists for endurance. That would be insane. Cyclists use clen for fat loss only at very low intensities. No one in the world would want to use clen to race with unless it was like the smallest dose in the world and they would still be better off just using cold medicine pill.

Initially the research i read said clen boosted endurance, but it absolutely does not. Same with Anavar. People told me it was going to be great and it almost blew my big race.

This board is #1 in the world regarding safe adherence for endurance athletes. I would not trust any other board especially strength training boards. They sometimes label endurance by how many reps you can pump out on bench press. So that's like 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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Posted by: kaytoo

BTW, why would Arimidex be useless when using Anavar? Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but if I'm going to use an AI to increase endogenous T then why would Var interfere with that?

K2 [/B]

are you hoping that the var dose will be low enough that it wont negatively affect nat test levels? to carry that further then you are hoping the ai will boost natural levels?
im pretty sure 30mg of var will shut you down, provided its even real and not some methyltest or some shit. once you're shut down from exo drugs nothing is going get you back kicking until you get off.

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Posted by: Bus King
Just curious,

Are you only just getting into this kind of stuff? I was the same way you were a few years ago. clen is not used by cyclists for endurance. That would be insane. Cyclists use clen for fat loss only at very low intensities. No one in the world would want to use clen to race with unless it was like the smallest dose in the world and they would still be better off just using cold medicine pill.

Initially the research i read said clen boosted endurance, but it absolutely does not. Same with Anavar. People told me it was going to be great and it almost blew my big race.

This board is #1 in the world regarding safe adherence for endurance athletes. I would not trust any other board especially strength training boards. They sometimes label endurance by how many reps you can pump out on bench press. So that's like 30 seconds to 1 minute.

I wouldn't say I'm new to this stuff. I knew from the start clen wasn't going to improve my riding. I used it to try and shed some stubborn fat. I didn't know it was going to hamper my training to the extent it did.

You've got it spot on about this board, from what I've read on here so far, it's a lot more relevant to what I'm looking for. My entry into the world of AAS is through a guy I know who's a meathead at the local gym. So a lot of what I know so far has more of a BBing application.

I'm slowly getting there though. When I do research, I try to get multiple sources and look at alternate applications before I make a decision. I was never expecting Var to compare to something like deca but it had a few qualities that seemed like it could help. I certainly wouldn't recommend it to someone after reading all the negative comments on this board but I'm more inclined to see what it does for me before I make a final judgement. For now, I've got the supply which I feel obliged to use, even if it's on my rest week when I'm working on core strength.

I know this has been discussed at length before, but would you recommend Nolvadex. I should have my supply tomorrow and I'm really hoping it'll help with my pathetic Test levels. I need something to get it back to a normal level.

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try reposting this in the endurance section. most recommend low dose test for recovery.


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