Anadrol 50 ? I am using anadrol 50 at the end of this cycle. I just started monday. I am in no hurry for the quick fix but the ? is how long before I should feel a difference. Reason for concern is they were from a doctor and expired back in march. Maybe the potency is down. What's your thoughts on the potency decressing and when would be a time to maybe up it to 100 mg ed, 2 wks? Any insight would be much apprectiated due to this being my first run with it. I know is powerful and am expecting the same. My diet is OUT OF CONTROL meaning I eat everything in sight I can't stop. So I know that's not the problem. Thanks in advance.
Anadrol doesnt show good results at 50mg. It is usually taken in 100mg to 150mg ED.
i wouldnt think they would go bad,, maybe as u said the potency might be a lil off, but they should still work....
Thanks for the feedback. I am gonna just keep bustin' my ass in the gym and eating food for 10! See how things finish up, stick to the plan.