Allergic to juice??...
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Allergic to juice???

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Hi, first of all, I'm 22, 5'11 175 (getting pretty big). I was wondering, I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the stuff I have. A guy at the gym got me the real stuff, from Mexico. I guess that all Testosterone is synthetic bull semen, that's what my source said, and he gets the real stuff. I guess a buddy of his owns a steakhouse down there or something. Anyways, I've been juicing for 6 weeks now and put on 3 lbs and I've been doing injections every couple of days; I don't know how some people do it though, my ass hurts bad. But, my buddy said that's what it takes. I guess that he gets the stuff in frozen ampules and he said that in order to get the best absorption I need to put them way in there, so I have him help. He's cool though, I mean he really works to get them far in. I guess some people get scared so he has me wear a blindfold, it hurts for a while though. Sometimes he takes pictures, I guess he's documenting my progress. Anyways, I guess that he needs to keep the amps in there for a while, and sometimes he said that they might be underdosed so he has to do it a cpl times to make sure, like I said he's really'd gross me out. After he's done putting them in he takes off the blindfold and has me sit there to make sure that the stuff thaws, I guess that's why it leaks out some. But my question is this.....lately, I've had a very sore and itchy ass, can I be allergic to the test? My girlfriend is mad because I can't go to the movies and stuff, plus I spent about $500. Just wondering if any of my bodybuildong bros can help a newbie out. By the way my friend might compete soon, he's 5'9" 250, he looks really fat, but he said that's before he "cuts up" I guess he's bulking, and he's really serious because he's been bulking for about 12 years, he's dedicated. Anyways, hope you guys can help. But, I'm not really worried, I mean my gf loves me and my folks are rich. Alot of people tell me I should model, some even say I look like Fred Savage, beats me.

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Oh yeah, by the way....what's all this talk of needles???? My friend said that's old school.

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I'm not biting...

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Oh....I think I put this on the wrong board....I was looking for, I apologize

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I'd would love to bite...but I'll control myself...GOD I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!1

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