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Allergic Reaction??

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Anybody ever have an allergic reaction while on a cycle? I am currently 2 weeks into a Sust, Dbol cycle. And while I don't think it's the gear, I just spoke to a friend who is doing the same cycle and he said he had a similar experience. After studying a few posts about bloodpressure, I decided to try some hawthorne berry extract. At the same time, I took my usual array of Vitamin C, Milk Thistle, and Selenium. About 5 minutes later (which I thought it would take longer to take effect even if it was a reaction to the hawthorne) I started to feel like I was under a heat lamp. Then the tingling started, running up my arms and over my head. I took off for the doctor's office but the symptoms were practically gone by the time I got there. Anyone have any similar reactions? I didn't eat anything unusual today either. What could cause it? Just wonderimg?
