Advice injecting HC...
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Advice injecting HCG and Test

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'm about to start my first cycle and I shall be injecting myself, so I'd like info in how to inject (in glutes, shoulders and any other body part) and which siringes and needles I should use for test e and HCG.
Can anyone also explain me how to blend HCG and post links and images please.
Guys you can post as much info and comments as you want as I really need to learn the best ways and tactics to injecting.

If anyone can answer these I'd be very happy:
- Can I mix HCG and Test E in the same syringe so I dont need to inject twice?
- How do I measure 250ui of HCG?
- Do I need a mirror to inject myself?
- Some people inject standing but isn't it better to do it laying on bed so the legs muscles are more relaxed?
- If injecting twice a day, can I inject it in the same muscle?

Thank you so so much.

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you can look here. its not he best but it will do as far as injection sites. stay with glutes, quads and delts.

shoot the hcg sub Q with a slin pin.

The test a 25g or a 23g 1.5" for glutes, 1" everyplace else.

No mirror, can stand or sit.
rotate injection sites

why are you even thinking about twice per day injects? are you using test suspension? once per week is fine for all but prop and sust.

250IU of HCG. depends on how much BAC water you use to reconstitute the powder. If you are using 1ml for 2500iu then 250iu would be 10 tics on a sllin pin.

How much research have you done on this????

Sounds to me like you need to do much much more

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have you got any Nolvadex on hand? what does your pct look like.


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Depending on the amount of test being used, you may not even need hcg.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.
