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acceptable levels of testosterone to beat test

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What is the max amount of test a male athlete can have ? I'm doing a low dose of 50mgs 2 x week of test enan.

Gonna do a pre-comp test to see what I come up as. If its too high then I will stop it.

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r u testing free test & epi test? also the testing protocols vary, eg TDF would be full on analysis with test to epi test ratio, lower ranked events may not be able to afford full levels etc. so just measure basic test

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are you a endurance man or bodybuilder that would be a factor on using t check some of the posts on endurance read all of the sticky from realgains a real smart bro whos been there done that be safe

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I'm an MMA fighter so the org. testing me would be the State Athletic Comission. We just have to piss before and after the fight. They test for standard anabolics as wells as opiates, hard/soft drugs etc. I dont know what they look for in the levels. Actually I cant even remember hearing of any fighters pissing hot for elevated test.
