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Abbreviations Sticky!

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Can we have a sticky message on here with abbreviations to make it a little easier to understand the discussions a bit better. For a newbie, it can be a little misleading. Like, we know EPO when discussed on here isn't usually referring to Evening Primrose Oil

PCT: ?
SC: Subcutaneous

Maybe the mod's can add to the list.

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PCT= Post Cycle Therapy

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IV: intravenous
IP: intra-penile
IM: intramuscular
Dbol- dianabol
winny-winstrol or stanozol
prop: Testosterone Propionate
test e: Testosterone Enanthate
clen: clenbuterol
ED: everyday or erectile dysfunction
EOD: every other day
IU: international units
cyp: test cypionate
LA: Lance Armstrong or los angeles
SLAD: super lance armstrong drugs..the shit that we don't know about
hgh: human growth hormone
igf: insulin growth factor...very good shit


I need a new slogan....and a new picture

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Gee... I needed that! I am a real newbie, so that really helps!

How about :

HCT (hemocrit?)


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hmm, be careful, hct is also hydrochlorothiazide, a very common diuretic.

If someone wants to compile the list, i will make it a sticky.


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Posted by: jboldman
hmm, be careful, hct is also hydrochlorothiazide, a very common diuretic.

If someone wants to compile the list, i will make it a sticky.


Please do! I have been reading the forum for a couple of months and sometimes I feel lost with all the lingo.

Thanks K48x14

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Can someone that's an Admin on here add any posted abbreviations to my inital post so that the thread doesn't get lengthy and require a lot of scrolling. Be nice to keep it clean and a sticky. Happy that some people seemed to want this also.

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sure, i would be happy to help out. you want to add ALL suggested abbreviations or edit out ones not necessary. just let me know how you want to do it.


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This should be the list based on what people have posted so far. People can post a msg with anything that's missing then one of the mod's can add it to the list. I've put them in alphabetical order also...

Methods of injection
IM: Intra-muscular
IP: Intra-penile
IV: Intra-venous
SC: Subcutaneous

Dbol: Dianabol
Clen: Clenbbuterol
Cyp: Test Cypionate
ED: Everyday (or) Erectile Dysfunction
EOD: Every Other Day
HCT: Hematocrit (or) Hydrochlorothiazide
HGH: Human Growth Hormone
IGF: Insulin Growth Factor
IU: International Units
LA: Lance Armstrong (or) Los Angeles (or) Lactic Acid
PCT: Post Cycle Therapy
Prop: Testosterone Propionate
SLAD: Super Lance Armstrong Drugs..The shit that we don't know about.
Test E: Testosterone Enanthate
Winny:winstrol (or) Stanozol

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how about dosing times such as:

qd- once a day
bid- twice a day
tid- three times a day
qid- four times a day
qod- every other day


Seabiscuit Hogg
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LA is also a state.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Here you go hopefully this saves the n00bs (newbies) some time in figuring out what peeps (people) are talking about. Any others add them in.

AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
AS = Anabolic Steroids
AR = Androgen Receptor
Barrel = Syringe
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
B/F = Bodyfat
BUMP = Back up to the top of the page
BRO = People on this board who help each other out by exchanging knowledge
B/W = Bodyweight | By the way
BTW = By the way
clen = clenbuterol
CNS = Central Nervous System
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DART =Syringe/Needle
DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DMSO = Dimethyl Sulfoxide - Topical enhancer
DNP = Dinitrophenol
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
ED = Every Day
ENTH = Testosterone Enanthate
EOD = Every other day
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FYI = FOr Your Information
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GH = Growth Hormone
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMO = In my opinion
INJ = Inject, Injection
JK = Joke
LOL = Laugh out loud
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
MCG = Micrograms
MG = Milligrams
ML = Milliliters
nolva= Nolvaldex
OMG = Oh my God
OTC = Over the counter
PIN = Needle
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP= Testosterone Propionate
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
SLIN = Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
T3 = Thyroid Hormone
TEST = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
winny= Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
WTF = What the ****
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated

jboldman - Dosing Times
qd- once a day
bid- twice a day
tid- three times a day
qid- four times a day
qod- every other day

Milla times - Methods of injection
IM: Intra-muscular
IP: Intra-penile
IV: Intra-venous
SC: Subcutaneous

Dbol: Dianabol
clen: clenbbuterol
Cyp: Test Cypionate
ED: Everyday (or) Erectile Dysfunction
EOD: Every Other Day
HCT: Hematocrit (or) Hydrochlorothiazide
HGH: Human Growth Hormone
IGF: Insulin Growth Factor
IU: International Units
LA: Lance Armstrong (or) Los Angeles (or) Lactic Acid
PCT: Post Cycle Therapy
Prop: Testosterone Propionate
SLAD: Super Lance Armstrong Drugs..The shit that we don't know about.
Test E: Testosterone Enanthate
Winny: Winstrol (or) Stanozol

HCT - hydrochlorothiazide | hemocrit

Cheers LL08

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ok, lets give it a day for any other suggestions and then i will sticky it.


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LL08 - Sweet, good work. Un-muddies the water for the n00bs and gives us some common Abrev's to use.

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