AAS And Personality...
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AAS And Personality Changes.

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Peptides. 2007 Apr;28(4):851-8.

Enzymatic conversion of dynorphin A in the rat brain is affected by administration of nandrolone decanoate.

Magnusson K, Hallberg M, Bergquist J, Nyberg F.

Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Division of Biological Research on Drug Dependence, Uppsala University, Biomedical Center, Box 591, 751 24 Uppsala, Sweden.

The misuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) seems to produce profound effects on the central nervous system, leading to aggressive behavior and increased sensitivity to other drugs of abuse. The present study addresses the effect on the enzymatic transformation, here called dynorphin converting enzyme-like activity. The formation of the mu/delta opioid peptide receptor-preferring Leu-enkephalin-Arg(6) from the kappa opioid peptide receptor-preferring dynorphin A was measured in rats treated with nandrolone decanoate. Significant variations in enzymatic transformation were observed in several brain regions. An altered receptor activation profile in these regions may be one contributory factor behind AAS-induced personality changes.

Peptides. 2006 Jan;27(1):114-21.

Administration of the anabolic androgenic steroid nandrolone decanoate affects substance P endopeptidase-like activity in the rat brain.

Magnusson K, Hallberg M, Hogberg AM, Nyberg F.

Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Division of Biological Research on Drug Dependence, Uppsala University, BMC, Box 591, 751 24 Uppsala, Sweden.

The effect of the anabolic androgenic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, on substance P endopeptidase-like activity was examined in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Nandrolone decanoate (15 mg/kg day) or oil vehicle (sterile arachidis oleum) were administered by intramuscular injections during 14 days. Substance P endopeptidase, a predominantly cytosolic enzyme, generates the bioactive N-terminal fragment substance P(1-7) from the enzyme substrate substance P. Nandrolone decanoate significantly reduced the substance P endopeptidase-like activity compared to control animals in hypothalamus (43% reduction), caudate putamen (44%), substantia nigra (32%) and the ventral tegmental area (27%). It was previously reported that both hypothalamus and caudate putamen contained significantly higher levels of substance P after nandrolone administration. The higher concentration of substance P in these regions could to an extent be attributed to the reduction in substance P endopeptidase-like activity. This result elucidates the important role of peptidase activity in the regulation of the substance P transmitter system. The present study provides additional support for the hypothesis that alterations in the substance P system in certain brain areas may contribute to some of the personality changes reported in connection with AAS abuse.

dr frankenstein

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unfortunately there is no mention of the specific changes we could be looking at if our brains are similar to rat brains.


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Completely subjective here but I am well on with my first cycle and have noticed no change with my temper or general aggresiveness whatsoever. I am on endurance athlete doses only so maybe that explains why.
Any off you BB guys notice changes in temper control whilst on cycle?????

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keep in mind that the study did not correlate to any specific "mood" changes so for all we know it may contribute to a feeling of wellbeing.


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Posted by: adrazor
Completely subjective here but I am well on with my first cycle and have noticed no change with my temper or general aggresiveness whatsoever. I am on endurance athlete doses only so maybe that explains why.
Any off you BB guys notice changes in temper control whilst on cycle?????

Yes, I do. Trenbolone makes me extremely short tempered, aggressive and anxious, nandrolone a bit depressed and boldenone/Dianoxyl-31348'>Dianabol also anxious.

I can't use Trenbolone at all. It has a very profound negative impact on my social life and well being.

Testosterone has some effect on aggressiveness in me, but it's a mild thing and I consider it positive.

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I've never used Tren (yet) or Deca, but testosterone IMPROVES my mood. I'm definately more agressive in the gym, but as far as everyday life, I'm more patient, less moody, and have a much better feeling of well-being...

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So far, AS has made me a better person: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: adrazor
Completely subjective here but I am well on with my first cycle and have noticed no change with my temper or general aggresiveness whatsoever. I am on endurance athlete doses only so maybe that explains why.
Any off you BB guys notice changes in temper control whilst on cycle?????

It seems with most people the few cycles, they notice a mild increase in temper. After a few cycles it seems this either doesn't occur or at a lesser rate.
As far as personality change who in their right fucking mind would equate a rat's brain function with that of man's.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
As far as personality change who in their right fucking mind would equate a rat's brain function with that of man's.

I know quite a few people whose brain function I would equate to that of a rat...

No, none HERE.

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Posted by: RaetherEnt
I know quite a few people whose brain function I would equate to that of a rat...

No, none HERE.

lol, I was thinking alone those lines after I posted I hope most of us anyhow have a little more self control than a rat.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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boldenone+ Tren seems to make me more impatient. 90% sure that is the boldenone.

Tren A lone. I love it. Aggressive, but only in the right areas of life. Also more emotional (think crybaby in the movies)

Tren + Test. Crybaby again.

Superdrol = pisses me off to an extent.

M1T. Mood seems quite calm, smooth.

M5. Aggressive in the gym.

All significantly enhance aspects of my personality. Some good. Some bad. Definite change.

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Eur Psychiatry. 2006 Dec;21(8):551-62.

Psychiatric side effects induced by supraphysiological doses of combinations of anabolic steroids correlate to the severity of abuse.

Pagonis TA, Angelopoulos NV, Koukoulis GN, Hadjichristodoulou CS.

Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital, Thessaly University Medical School, Larissa, Greece.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to evaluate the psychological consequences of real-world AAS use in athletes abusing such agents, in comparison with a placebo and control group of comparable athletes, while correlating the severity of abuse with the side effects observed. The hypothesis tested by the study was that the use of AAS induces a wide range of psychological side effects whose impact and emergence is dependent upon the severity of the abuse. DESIGN: The study includes a substantial group of AAS abusing athletes and two more groups demographically similar to the first, one composed of athletes not using any substance and a placebo group. All athletes were stratified according to the severity of AAS abuse. Psychometric instruments were applied to all athletes in specific time intervals, dependent to the AAS abusers' regimens, providing us with a final psychological profile that was to be compared to the pre-study profile. All results were comparable (within and between groups) for statistically significant differences and correlated to the severity of the abuse. Homogeneity of all groups was safeguarded by random doping controls, monitoring of drug levels and analysis of all self obtained drugs by method of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. All athletes were provided with a common exercise and dietary regime, so common training and nutritional conditions were achieved. METHODS: We studied a cohort of 320 body-building, amateur and recreational athletes, of whom 160 were active users of AAS (group C), 80 users administering placebo drugs (group B) and 80 not abusing any substance (Group A). Group C athletes were stratified according to AAS abuse parameters, thus providing us with three subgroups of "light, medium and heavy abuse". Athletes of groups A and B were included in a "no abuse" subgroup. The psychometric instruments used were the Symptoms Check List-90 (SCL-90) and the Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire (HDHQ). The psychometric evaluations took place within a time interval of 13 months. Statistical analysis was performed by using the Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon two-sample non-parametric test (Kruskal-Wallis test for two groups) for data that were not normally distributed and Linear regression analysis was used to ascertain the correlation between severity of use and escalation of side effects. RESULTS: The study showed a statistically significant increase in all psychometric subscales recorded in group C, and no statistically significant difference in group C and A. There was a significant increase in the scorings of group C for all subscales of SCL-90 and HDHQ. Correlation of abuse severity and side effects showed that there was a statistical significant increase in Delta values of all SCL-90 and HDHQ subscales that escalated from light abuse to medium and heavy abuse/consumption patterns. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study suggest that the wide range of psychiatric side effects induced by the use of AAS is correlated to the severity of abuse and the force of these side effects intensifies as the abuse escalates.

dr frankenstein

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Posted by: RaetherEnt
I've never used Tren (yet) or Deca, but testosterone IMPROVES my mood. I'm definately more agressive in the gym, but as far as everyday life, I'm more patient, less moody, and have a much better feeling of well-being...

I second that and will go on to say the stronger the androgenic (like tren) steroid the nicer I become.

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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Had a definite shorter temper when my last cycle was going

Tren and Test E, got so pissed off I figured I better go to

the gym and take my rage out there, ended up screwing

up my recently repaired (surgery) shoulder, guess that

Tren aint my thing


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Only tren, makes me very nasty so I dont use it often, great AAS though.

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