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AAAARRRGGGG. Injection gone wrong. What the hell happened to me - all please read!!

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Guys I had the worst injecting experience EVER last night. I almost shat myself in agony - it was excrutiating. Let me set the scene and point out that I am mentioning EVERYTHING - I will let you decide what is relevant and you can hopefully tell me what happened. I am now scared to inject anywhere other than my right glute. Ok, I have a few cycles under my belt and have probably done 150 injections or so - so Im no pin-novice. Im on prop and tren with a 2cc shot ED for 4 weeks now. I have been shooting one glute everyday. No legs, no delts, no arms - just glutes. Anyway, I know thats a lot of injections but the injections had been going well. ED shots are not an issue to me. Sure Iv had uncomfortable injections but no problems to speak of. Last night, I loaded my 1cc of prop and 1cc of tren - from the same batch as the previous 4 weeks - all previously pain free. Anyway, I remember I shot the right glute the time before, so I go for the left one. Popped it in the upper outer quadrant in the same area I always do. Shoved the 1.25" needle all the way in (as always). Felt a couple of slight crackles going in - I meen very slight - like I always do. Think its a VERY SMALL bit of scar tissue, or maybe just cause the needle is not 100% sharp (its sharp enough though - trust me). Aspirated - no blood. I should note there WAS NO PAIN AT THIS POINT. Great, so I sink the plunger, and got in about half a CC, and this tremendous pain developed - it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. It felt so painful. Like somebody had shoved a large needleful of acid into my glute. The pain was excruciating. I pulled the needle out immediately. only a slight amount of blood came out. I was in so much pain I jumped around - I thought "have I hit a nerve?". I jumped all over my room in agony (Im not joking). It was midnight and I had a tough time keeping quite and not screaming - it was that bad. I had to lay on my bed - still holding the glute - the pain was still there, got up again and jumped about again - whole body tensed with pain and blood pressure rose. Lay on the bed again wrigling around - at this point I think - Im phucked - Iv done something and I dont know what. The pain then passed and it was completely normal - its hard to tell but it was probably about a minute in total - but seemed longer. I tested my legs for movement and sensation - equal on both legs. This might be nothing, but I felt a small pee size lump in the area of the shot - but not sure if it was exactly where I injected or not. I then shot the remaining 1.5ccs in the right glute - no problems. Did I hit a nerve - even though I do that area all the time and it was round the very left size of the left glute near the top? Did I inject into scarr tissue? Did it stretch the scar tissue, or did it not go into the scar tissue instead travelling back up to the skin area? Did I bend the needle once in (I dont think I did since I can tell if I am usually). Did I hit an abscess or something? (I dont think I have an abscess? any other suggestions? anyone ever had this? should I worry? Im now scared to shoot that area. I only shoot glutes - Iv injected quad before but too scared, I cant inject biceps since I get horrific stretchmarks from site injects, and I cant inject delts since the guys in the gym will see the bruises and redness (which I always get). My sister saw one on my bicep once. I cant emphasise how painful it was - I thought I would have to wake my parents up to take me to hospital. I really look forward to any input you can give - even if you cant answer - feel free to facilitate the discussion. Thanks, Stan

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damn bro....since you said there was a slight that sounds like scar tissue...but man, i don't know what caused all that pain..I bet that was shitty as hell bro! Now I will be sitting there every time wondering if this is gonna be "THE ONE" !! LOL

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yeh - but my glutes always crackle once or twice and very slight - I cant hear it but feel it a little when pushing the needle in. I inject in those circumstances all the time and no problems. As I say I mention everything but bear in mind that everything might not be relevant since nothing was out of the ordinary.

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sounds like u injected into a vein/artery from the sounds of everything..and its weird u didnt because there was no blood when u aspirated. i think in the future you should ice the area with a cold cut of beef before you the blood vessels will shrink/go away from the area youre injecting into..and will make the shot less painful. hope that never happens to me lol

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thanks for the input bro - Iv injected veins before and got a bit of it in my lungs - so I dont think it was a vein by past experience. I have never injected an artery though so havent got a clue what that would feel like so that could be right.

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You have got to move those injection sites around bro. Especially with ED Tren shots. No if's, and's or but's. Another thing that caught my eye was "the needle is not 100% sharp", whats up with that?? You are not re-using needles are you? A common misconception is that if you are not sharing a needle and say you clean them or soak them till their next use in alcholol that you can not get an infection or worse hepatitis which is way WRONG just because you alone are using them. You are looking at 14 shots in the same area for each side in the last 4 weeks when you should only be looking at 2 max for each side and possibly less if you use ALL of the injection sites available to you. Big difference bro.

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Thanks bro - thats a fair point - what I did with the needle was as always sucked up 1 cc of tren out a larger container using the syringe with no needle, then I crack open a 1 cc amp and suck most of it out. then put on the needle and suck the final 0.25cc out the bottom without scraping the bottom - so theoretically it might not be 1005 sharp but is 95% anyway since I dont scrape the bottom but it might touch it once and once only. I guess I will have to rotate shots. thanks bro.

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Originally posted by scarecrow999 Now I will be sitting there every time wondering if this is gonna be "THE ONE" !! LOL LMAO I was all tensed up just reading that!! Thinking the same thing. " Is the next one going to be "THE ONE"!! lol It sounds like you injected right up against a nerve and probably pinched it against something. Since the pain started at about half a cc I would think the liquid took up space causing it to be pinched some how. just my .02 cents. TR

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btw, the needles and syringes are always new - no matter what. If I have more than a few attemtps at an inject then I feel the needle blunt so put a fresh one on - so I use fresh needles and use another if the needle feels blunt on pushing in.. That one didnt feel blunt.

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thanks rookie - I guess that might be the issue - cant be sure though - I didnt think I had any nerves in that area. could it be a really small one? Is there only the large major ones in the glute which are a quarter inch in diameter or do you get small ones that are very unlikely to be hit? Oh BTW - your scared LOL? I keep thinking the next one will be "ANOTHER ONE" rather than "THE" one LOL. good luck with the next shot bro.

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I can't tell you what caused the pain. But you don't have to worry. I have experienced the same and so did a few of my friends. It just happened once and then never again and I had no problems after the pain was gone.

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I don't like doing glutes anymore for some odd reason, I didn't stop glute shots completely but I don't do them as often. Now I just stick with bi's,tri's and delts. I find those are the easiest to do and I rarely ever hit veins when I shoot bi's because I can see where they all are, so I avoid the bruising.

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The only time I've had pain like that was when I didn't give the alcohol enough time to evaporate after I cleaned the injection area. Pushing isopropyl alcohol 1.5" into your glute hurts like hell. Maybe that's what happened.

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Originally posted by stan Thanks bro - thats a fair point - what I did with the needle was as always sucked up 1 cc of tren out a larger container using the syringe with no needle, then I crack open a 1 cc amp and suck most of it out. then put on the needle and suck the final 0.25cc out the bottom without scraping the bottom - so theoretically it might not be 1005 sharp but is 95% anyway since I dont scrape the bottom but it might touch it once and once only. I guess I will have to rotate shots. thanks bro. when u suck the injection outta the amp...use a 18 gauge pin and u can scrape the bottom...when ure done...put a 23g pin back on top of the syringe and take the 18g pin off...easy as pie...

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bro the pain was caused due to pressure on a a nerve.. when u injected, the liquid got captured right by the scar tissue and caused a lot of pressure on a nerve nearby there.. It was not caused because u injected into a vein..... The only thing that might happen now is your knee might swell to the double its size ...This happens once every 5 for me and it is fucking painful...

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