A few ???'s on my t...
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A few ???'s on my tren

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Hey bros, Yesterday my cow started it's tren from GTP. 3/4cc EOD (what about 90mg or so). How fast can you tell it's effects? Only because last night I woke up about three times...and I usually sleep like a rock...and the thing was, is that my cell phone, which is loud as shit, had two calls last night and that did not wake me...It just seems I woke up for no reason at all. And I had dreams, that were pretty weird, even for dreams...I mean, it wasn't like an LSD trippy dream or anything crazy, just strange stuff that made no sense, even for dreams..you know? DISCLAIMER what I am about to say is going to elicit alot of responses telling me to add test, I am aware of that and am taking steps to fix this. Anyways, I am thinking of running tren 90mgs (appx) EOD for 4 weeks, and then winny 50mg EOD tapering down towards the end for weeks 5-9. Yes, I have reasons for only having a 9 week cycle.. WEEKS 1-4 tren 90mg EOD 5-6 Winny 50mg ED 7-8 Winny 30mg ED 9 Winny 20mg ED My goals are basically just to get strong and hard. I weigh about 203 at a height of 6'3'' and I already have a good basis to work with. I am in a field where I have to do alot of endurance work as well, and agility is a must, so that's why i wouldn't want to gain a massive amount of weight, especially water. I was looking for the most solid gains possible. Mostly in strength and hardness. Does that make sense? I will tell you what, running 5 miles at 200 and 220 are two entirely different ballgames! ha ha Thanks bros. Hope it's not an ignorant question.

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I take it you didn't do the proper research before shooting yourself full of drugs; since if you had you would have had the answers to these questions already. Here you go - Tren can cause sleep apnea Tren is known to cause really crazy wicked dreams Tren causes mood swings (when done EOD...ED helps a lot to limit mood swings) And then their are the typical sides mose steroid's give you...which I should hope you know about. -David

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David, is Tren Any worse than test for sleep apnea?

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Originally posted by stan David, is tren any worse than test for sleep apnea? I don't know enough about test/tren induced apnea to answer you're question. However, since Tren is 4-5x more anabolic than Test it stands to reason that the risks of sleep apnea would be higher than that of Test (all sides are typically worse with Tren than Test since Tren is just more potent than Test).

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you can do a month of research, I'll do a month of tren. see who looks better.

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tren is very strong stuff. i feel it the very first day. if you keep the dose down to 25-30 mg a day you can avoid the sleep apnea. results are still very good.i have done 75mg and 100mg a day and got all the sides, plus stressed my body bigtime. more is not better on tren.;)

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thanks David

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take valarian root to help u sleep. There is no need to taper the winny, it wont do any good. There are other stacks u could have done that would have been alot more effective..but i guess its too late now..

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Valkyl, hey bro, what do you suggest adding in there? I haven't got the winny yet..it was just a thought...would sus be better in you opinion? I just don't want to get too much of a size gain because of the demands of my daily job...size gain gradually is fine, since I will have time to adapt to the new weight...you know? I am mainly wanting strength and hardness, etc... you know? Thanks

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a moderate dose EQ cycle for 12-20 weeks would be a good "base" for not packing on alot of size, while getting freaky vascular and hard at the same time... U could throw in the winny 50 mgs a day for the last 6 weeks, maybe the first 6 also...and 8-12 weeks or so of tren...ud be good to go....maybe some clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off... I love test of all kinds...shorter ester tests (prop, susp) dont carry the same kind of water bloat that the longer ester tests seem to. Have u tried doing a powertraining routine for strength? If u look in the powerlifting forum, those bros KNOW...i tell u, lots of good info...

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Hey bro.. Alright what I am thinking is getting some sus to run along with the tren and throw in the winny the last six weeks or so... I love EQ, but I have to be done cycling by the end of December...so I am afraid I don't have enough time to run it the way it should be done...cause yeah, EQ is slow as fuck! so, you say not to taper off winny? why wouldn't it work? I was just curious. And also, very important, when would I start the PCT? Thanks

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David, yes I did research..but the best knowledge comes from experience..that is why I asked the questions about the effects being normal..I knew the usual effects, but I was wondering why they hit the first day..within 12 hours...that was my main point bro. But thanks for the info..I honestly didn't know tren could cause sleep apnea, I'm glad you told me that! Why is that? Do you know why that would happen? I thought that sleep apnea was caused by a physical thing such as obstruction of the airway by the epiglotis or something.. But hey, gear does crazy things! LOL Just curious...thanks in advance bro.

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k..so we got about 10 weeks eh? I would get myself some prop, or test susp, run that ed shots 100 mgs a day..(eod if u do the prop). I dont know why everyone loves sus...its too hard to figure out the half lifes, and gives me a headache. Plus i will bloat u, and u will "look" like u are on. Run the test prop/or suspention, for 10 weeks. Run the tren for as long as u can....hopefully the entire 10 weeks at 75-100 mgs a day.... Run the winny the last 6 weeks. 50 mgs a day. PCT would start the day after your last shot of susp..like 3 days after if u use prop. Tapering is an old concept that ppl used when comming off, they figured that if they tapered down the dose, thier body would recover beter....this is complete bull. Doesnt work...so there is no reason to vary up and down the dosages of any steroid.

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Hey bro, right on. sounds like a good deal... yeah I know what you mean with sus..I guess I kinda liked it just since I was used to it. LOL But yeah I heard that prop will make you break out like a motherfucker, and sus never really gave me that problem..but hell, it sounds like a good deal.... By the way, what do you think of QV prop? So I'll throw in winny 50mg ed for appx six weeks...no worries there! Thanks bro.

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I live in Canada, we have all sorts of wonderful, non-mexican labs that sell beautiful, cheap, painless gear.....: ) so I cant help u with the QV question...ive never tried any QV product...ive "heard" that they were all painful...I find Prop, especially vet grade prop is UBER painful.... As for "breaking out" pretty much any gear will do that to u...

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