A Few Halo Observat...
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A Few Halo Observations

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im done with my cycle, went prety well, uped my squat 40kg, my bench 20, lowered my times significantly, more that 0.5 sec.

it did have some problems, mainly with me as in i took clen for a week which drove me to overtraining, that shit, i cant tolerate...

other than that prety sweet cycle, no sides, liver values fine, just some elevated bilburine though my hematocrit is of the record at 54 so....

ok, i used halo like this

a) 20mg on high intencity days


b) four weeks of 10mg ed

i have to say, the first way agrees with me much more so than the second.

for starters, the agression diminishes after some point, i mean, you tend to get used to it and phase it out.

moreover, i didnt gain any significant strength, not more than what i gained before i mean, i blame it to that. And finaly my back got tight as fuck.

so from now on im using it 20mg on high intencity days and thats that.

in retrospect the cycle went VERY well the only problem was...high doses, i mean, i used 30mg Tren Acet 6/week, 50mg prop 6/week, the halo and 100mcg T4/50mcg t3 ed.

the basics wont change for the future, ill just drop the prop to 30mg and add a diuretic because even at hypocaloric diet i kept gaining wheigt, and when i finaly managed to shed it off i was eating like 2100kcal which frankly killed me (that and the god damn clen).

so, enter pct from sunday.

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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I use halo at 20mgs for four weeks at a time ed, and really don't experience any sides at that dose and duration.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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halo is interesting to me. It seems the sides are somewhat oevrrated at 15-20 mg . Over tht your one your own.

I think I'd like to try it perhaps with prop. imight try it at 20mg on high intensity days.

What does your pct look like?

Did u get Testosterone tests before and after?


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btw what sport r u in? u say u improved 0.5 sec...0.5 sec on a total of what?

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I use halo at 20mgs for four weeks at a time ed, and really don't experience any sides at that dose and duration.

i had no sides from that cycle besides some acne, nothing else, i tested my liver enzymes mid cycle and my liver was absolutely fine (starting values 40, 24, mid cycle values 43, 22 for AST and ALT )

what i meant was that taking halo at stable blood levels intervals made me get *used* to its positive side effects (agression, feel of being able to consistently produce force during my work out) so they kind of diminished and any antiglucocorticoid effect had limited impact on my performance.


What does your pct look like?

Did u get testosterone tests before and after?

2 weeks of 500iu HCG, 50mg Clomid for 4 weeks ed, 20mg nolva for 5 weeks ed, vitamin E 100iu for 3 weeks, vitamin C 3gr for 4 weeks, kynoselen 0.5ml ed for four weeks, EC stack for two weeks (25/250 before work outs)

and thats my pct


btw what sport r u in? u say u improved 0.5 sec...0.5 sec on a total of what?

im a terrible terrible 100m sprinter, i have yet no 100m times, but my 80m pb at the start of the cycle was 9.30 and at my peak in cycle (two weeks ago) was 8.88, that coresponds to 11.6 and 11.1, though im prety shure that im not going to pull that off cause my speed endurance and top speed are kind of week points, i wasnt able to work them properly because of shin splits, left knee PFPS, and a TERRIBLE COACH (now im training solo and constantly improving)

i DID fuck it up a bit though, well being summer and all i wanted to shed some fat for tEh ladieZ (im lean, but not THAT lean, im like 11-12% bf, though thats prety much the lowest i can comfortably go given that i used to be obese...) so i did a week of clen at 20mcg and prety hard dieting (like 2100kcal) which left me overtrained and sadly i completely ruined my well planed and up to that point perfectly excecuted peak...

well, too bad, clen, im not using any more. Dieting im not doing EVER again, so hopefully during the winter ill peak far better.

in retrospect my doses where high, i just kept gaining weight during the cycle, next time im keeping the cycle at 8 weeks not 10 (those last two just did nothing) and doses less that 350mg/week of total androgens.

the T3/T4 combo was absolutely fantastic though, i had more energy than ever, though truth be told my hormonal profile though within normal ranges its at the low side so...

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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sounds good.

I can understand why u would only wanna take halo only 3-4 times a week.

Thats a pretty psycho pct u have there lol. Realyl dont think hcg was necessary (prob even worsened recovery slightly cos messing with lh etc)

i was gonna run prop 150mg eod 4 weeks with halo 20mg 3-4 times a week and pct would be nolva 20/40/20 or Clomid 50/100/50

I wonder if I should stretch to 4 weeks to make very sure i'm recovered.

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dude, did you see my cycle? Its ten weeks of tren, are you serious my nutz are size of peas take my word for it, hCG is MANDATORY after my cycle, 150mg prop, what do you want to use it for? 4 weeks is too little i'd go for 6-8 its the least amount of time for any "usable" adaptations to occur...

and my pct really aint that "bad" ive used it before and within four weeks i was up and running and felt almost NO hormonal "crash", mood swings, depression, loss of energy etc etc.

actually the pct is nolva/Clomid/hcg which is prety basic stuff, kyno is for the AMP and vits/minerals (nandi had posted a study at which testosterone inhibits cAMP at testicular level), ephedrine to keep lean and energetic during training (and there was a study that colerated andrenergic receptors to hpta upregulation so...it cant do harm at such small doses)

next time im ading igf too, found some good prices and shit

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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whoops lol...i thought u were only on halo 20mg on heavy training days for 4 weeks lol

didnt know u were on tren for that long, thought that was prev cacle. Otherwise for your long cycle ur pct looks perfect.

Still not sure about 4 weeks. I have options...one was to run 7-8 2 weekers with prop a year. Not long enuff i know, and not sure if i got hormonal problems from it acne etc. I suspect the tren for tht though. I did get good gains from 2 weekers. I tried on 4 weeker with prop and it was awesome lol

My other option is to run a bit lower dose test say 350mg enan for 10 weeks with pct like urs twice a year. I thought for now Id stick with 4 weekers tho and see ehow it goes?

I want to use prop mainly to build muscle and strength in the gym, to perform well on track cacle sprinting. Trying to get to 80kg, wht a mission lol. I need to get diet in order first tho, and then ill think about aas.

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fair enough, but ive done the 2 weeker thing (actually three weeks of anavar 20mg) and it didnt really work for me, though the ten weeks is also a bit long for my taste and training plans, so ill be trying 3x6 weeks cycles at GPP, midle SPP and late competition...

i really dont like long esters though they prety much work the same way, i prefer frequent injection with less volume and like the "kick" of fast acting compounds, plus you have the benefit of clearing faster.

do 60mg prop the night after high intencity training for the recovery and 20mg halo the morning of high intencity days for the agression sould work fine, though in sprinting and most power sports the line between drug free progession and AAS progession is very fine and lies to the training and therapy you get much more so than bodybuilding. So try to tune your training, if you dont make progress without ASS you wont progress with them either, they might as well hinder you due to injuries, i would know:P

actually my shins and knees would

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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yeh...in the end i actually made best progress a coupla weeks after a 2 weekers. who knows why

I'll try the halo IO think. sounds fun 😉

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a little update, i got sick during my pct, with 40+ fever and diarea and god a bunch of fucked up, but nevertheless i went to the hospital and did some blood work and my liver values are perfect (even with all the booze and paracetamol and fever).

so..for me at least halo was good...VERY good.

BUT, next cycle for me will be a lot less heavy...i mean, something like 20mg var ed, 20mg halo during high intencity days for 6 weeks or so...see how that goes too.

tren i loved, but the supression is insane withough any serious performance benifit over a range of doses.

i mean my progress was consistent before the drugs, with 20mg tren ed (6/week) and 30mg tren ed (7/week) with no major differences. If something the extra weight those big doses gave me made me slower!

so, if anyone is interested in doing drugs for sprints...stay low, high doses *do not* work (high~500mg/week of total active androgens)

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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interesting....perhaps i should try the halo and low dose prop...

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Posted by: epote
a little update, i got sick during my pct, with 40+ fever and diarea and god a bunch of fucked up, but nevertheless i went to the hospital and did some blood work and my liver values are perfect (even with all the booze and paracetamol and fever).

so..for me at least halo was good...VERY good.

BUT, next cycle for me will be a lot less heavy...i mean, something like 20mg var ed, 20mg halo during high intencity days for 6 weeks or so...see how that goes too.

tren i loved, but the supression is insane withough any serious performance benifit over a range of doses.

i mean my progress was consistent before the drugs, with 20mg tren ed (6/week) and 30mg tren ed (7/week) with no major differences. If something the extra weight those big doses gave me made me slower!

so, if anyone is interested in doing drugs for sprints...stay low, high doses *do not* work (high~500mg/week of total active androgens)

Why do you plan to take 20mg var when it made you too tight last time?

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Why do you plan to take 20mg var when it made you too tight last time?

because im that stupid

lol, no frankly, im under the impression it wasnt just the halo, it was my general rehab work those days, i used to train with an incopetant coach. Oh well, there is still some time till my next cycle, this one left me kind of drained and that fever sealed the deal

"tiss a visitor i muttered
knokcing on my chamber door
only this and nothing more"

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lol yeh

well 20mg anavar might be ok.

Id still stick with halo and low dose prop tho

gotta try everything

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