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20 weeks on test E

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Hey guys ,I finished a 13 week test e 100mg cycle. I am planning 8 weeks off cycle.

The question is can the new cycle be 20 weeks at 100-150mg (150mg at hard weeks and races). My point is to be on for the races that are extending for 14 weeks , plus 5-6 weeks prior for the test to start working.

Is the length of this cycle too risky?

Do you suggest different approaching ?

Thanx testEster

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Posts: 160

Re: 20 weeks on test E

Posted by: testester
Hey guys ,I finished a 13 week test E 100mg cycle. I am planning 8 weeks off cycle.

The question is can the new cycle be 20 weeks at 100-150mg (150mg at hard weeks and races). My point is to be on for the races that are extending for 14 weeks , plus 5-6 weeks prior for the test to start working.

Is the length of this cycle too risky?

Do you suggest different approaching ?

Thanx testEster

If you don't take HCG DURING the cycle your testes are going to shrink big time by 16 weeks. Then you will have a hell of a time recovering T production(long time). Take HCG at 250 iu's two days before your weekly shot and the day before the weekly shot... Sub Q. There really is no need to go above 125mg of T per week as an endurance athlete. The HCG will also cause an increase in T by the way.
Watch for water retention...if you get it then hit Arimidex at 1/4 pill daily.
If you choose to do some weeks at 150mg and the HCG then you will need arimidex FOR SURE!

If you start to feel any breast tenderness or see swelling then jump on the nolva at 20 a day..all through the cycle. At that low dose you probably won't have a gyno issue but if you start seeing water retention then your might.

After the cycle do nolva at 20mg a day for a month.

125mg of T per week and the hcg will have your T levels well above 1000ng/dl bro....probably 1200-1500. Top of high normal is 1000.


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Thanx RG, helpful as usual. testEster
