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RoidsMall.TO Reviews

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RoidsMall has some well known high quality gear on their site. Used several over the past couple years. This last time I used their Sustaxyl from Kalpa pharmaceuticals.

Communication is good and update you from donation instructions to shipping of products.

Just under two weeks from ship date and never had a broken vial or tab from them.

Ordered a few months ago as I had the same product from another source and was already running it and wanted to continue. I was running 1cc 350 mg ever other day (to take advantage of the short esters in this product) for about 12 weeks when I received theirs. No pip really but I'm not prone to "post injection pain".

I continued with and never had a dip in hormone levels. I was up about 8 lbs by this time and libido, oily forehead and that good sense of well being was happening. So by the the time week 15 hit I felt the same and was really using the Aromaxyl 25 mg tabs spout in half (12.5 mg) every other day to control estro ( I'm not too prone to estro sides so this was alot antiestro for me cause I was feeling tired and bloated. But easily controlled.

Total I was up a solid 10 lbs with a somewhat clean diet. This sust is legit and def fun to use as I usually stick to long ester test C or E with deca stacked with some additional prop from time to time as frequent pinning is tough from time to time with a hectic schedule. RoidsMall has a good selection of quality products especially the Kalpa pharmaceutical line.

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I have ordered from Roidsmall for over a year now.

Gear has always been on point!!! The upgrades to the site, lighting fast shipping, and communication are unreal. The only source that actually helped educate me as a newbie. I don't think this guy gets much sleep. Oh and thanks man my bro loves the gear!!!

Super test, letrozole, tren ace, masteron ace, sustanon, test prop, clomid, viagara, bact water

Head turning results, Tren is strong!!!

Used other suppliers at same dosage and didn't have same results/sides. Letro was amazing.

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I'm in my first week cycle from and I can tell you that this is the website to go. I started injecting EQ (frontloading) @ 1000 mg and the PIP is really minimal compared to 3cc's injections of other brands. Kalpa sustanon's PIP is impressive too. 2 days after my sust injection the sensitivity is mostly gone away.

Communication was as usual, fast, impressive and not complicated.

The packaging was discrete. It's wrapped and hidden pretty well and the packages do not require any damn signature.

Only the Post noobs delayed my order. Someone sent my backage back on its track so I received my order in 8 days. -_- Sustanon 350 (2x), Boldenone Undecyclenate 300 (4x), Tren Ace (2x), Masteron Enanthate (1x)

I have used both test and EQ. I'm dealing with kids for the next 4 weeks so I'll wait for using tren. Sustanon has already started to kick in! EQ`s horse hunger should start kicking in soon.

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Placing the order was no big deal and i was quite confident as i heard many good things about them. The packaging was very discreet. No one could say what is inside.

The two vials took about 6 days plus weekends to arrive. it is a decent time period for product to arrive. 2 vials of Test.enanthante. I changed from testolab-e to this testoxyl enanthante and i could notice the difference between two tests within several weeks. More strength at gym. on testolab i did not have noticeable acne, i had acne but it was very little but with this test enanthante after 3-4 weeks my back got full of acne. Showed how strong this stuff was. libido up, in mood all the time.

one thing i especially notice with test is that whenever i use good test, i am in a very good mood all the time and it increases my confidence. For example at university or with friends ,i am talking to people with confidence and in joyable mood.

I recommend him. he has been very nice to me while dealing. i am also the kind of person who looks around for different labs and sources all the time and luckily uptill now i never had problems with trying so many sources 🙂 thanks to growxxl. information on growxxl is very helpful and does not let anyone get scammed or disappointed 🙂

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This is one if not the best. if not the best, sites that I have ordered from so far. I fully recommend this site to anyone who wants great quality products for great prices.

You get an email within minutes after placing your order, giving you specific and detailed instructions on how to make the payment so your order can be shipped. There customer support service is the most helpful and most friendly that I've come across so far. They message you back if you have any questions within a few hours. Most of the time in less then an hour.

Where as other sites that I have ordered from in the past can take up to 14 days if not longer.

The packaging is very neatly packaged and very discreet so as not to raise suspicion. The package is packed in a way that nothing can be broken or damaged in any way.

I got some top quality 20mg Nolvadex and they had it priced better then any of the other sites that I looked at. I also ordered:

2, 10ml vials of Test P. & 2, 10ml vials of Tren Ace.

The quality if these products is amazing and I've been seeing fantastic results. putting on 30lbs of pure muscle so far and still growing. I've added 40+ pounds to my bench press and even more on my deadlift and squats. The products have also made super ripped and vascular. The test is very clear and pure with no floaters floating around in the vials.

The Tren is also very pure and is a beautiful golden, brownish / yellow color and again doesn't have anything floating around in either vials. Ive been taking this cycle for a little over 2 months now. I take one 20mg Nolvadex tablet about once or twice a week depending on if my nipples are getting sore or puffy but as soon as I take the tablet the next day my nipples are fine. I inject the Tren Ace & Test P every other day.

I started off taking 100mg of both the Test and Tren for the first month.

The second month I dropped it down to 75mg of both and I'm still seeing great results and my strength is still sky rocketing.

I've heard about how Tren can make you have very bad anger and night sweats and all that, but so far I haven't experienced any of those side effects. Actually I am a lot more calmer and more focused then I have ever been. I don't even get mad anymore at all its weird but I like it. I get along with my girlfriend better and have a lot more patience with her even when she gets mad and screams and yells at me I still don't even feel the slightest bit of anger. But I know everyone is different so don't think just because I don't have these side effects that you wont. Do your research and get a better understanding of yourself any product that your thinking of getting so that you know what to expect. And hey if you don't have the side effects either that's great, and I hope you have the great experience that I've had with these products. All in all I have had nothing but good experiences with this company. And I 100% fully recommend this site to whoever wants top of the line quality products for the best prices out there that I have been able to find.

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This is my personal review for this exceptional source:

Fast Communication and Excellent Support!

Really Fast Shipping and everything packed right!

-3xKalpa Enanthate 275

-7Labs Winstrol (100x10mg)

-Kalpa Labs T-bol 10

-DP Cialis

The quality of the products it's really excellent! I add a special and personal mention for :

-DP Cialis...really effective!

This Source is an example of Professionalism and Reliability.

I will continue to be a their trusted customer.

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Am new to growxxl but a have been dealing with roidsmall for a good while now !! Great guys

Cummunication excellent you don't wait long for your reply and the support well just the best as well they really know what there talking about so always glad they can help me out

Ran sustanton kalpa at 2.5ml. 1.25ml Monday and 1.25ml Thursday a week while running arimidex 0.5mg eod the sust injection there's no pain even the next day it's still ok !

Ran cycle for 12 weeks by the 6th week gains increasing weight increasing a little but was lean bulking on this cycle so didn't want to gain to much weight. Brung in the anavars on the 8th week at 50mg a day till week 12 pumps on these anavars were extremely good felt a slight boost on them by week 9 but the sust would be giving me a good boost as well!

I started at 12stone week one ended with 12stone 5lbs cut body fat by 2percent

And im more toned all around.

This lab wont let you down belive me didn't let me down and the guys are excellent to deal with and they will have my custom for ever more !

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items came next week and were well packed ,

2 x 7labs dbol

1 x kalpa tren a 100

1 x pack of LETRO FEMPRO 2.5MG

the 7lab dbol used one sachet and had got another for a mate , it gave me a good start and weight went up 10 pounds in the first two weeks,my mate who is a lot leaner gained 16 pounds but back to my gains i was already using stuff from another source and had accident with my tren and couldent get my hands on the labs i was using so got some of the kalpa tren a,iran all in total for 12 weeks gained 14 pounds in total

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Flawless first experience with Roidsmall

i was updated on the process in a timely fashion and no additional support was needed.

T/A was exactly as explained. Packaging was discreet and tight to prevent any damage during shipping

EQ 250x 3

I chose EQ as the additional compound for my second cycle. I ran 500 mg a week along side 500 mg of test e. I pinned 1ml of each separately for the first 3 weeks so I can tell if one shot was given a adverse reaction. i experienced zero pip from any of the injections so I began pinning my quads instead of just delts and glutes.

I chose the 500 mg range to see how my body respond to this compound and ran it for 12 weeks. Around the 7 week mark my appetite went into complete over drive. The discipline to eat clean went right out the window. I was smashing down everything and anything in front me. I wasn't expecting a miracle at this dose and I honestly didn't realize any additional effects from it until my wife mentioned my legs look like I have worms in them. Lol. The vascularity was pretty impressive even though I was eating like a animal.

I started this cycle weighing 191 lbs and topped of at 212 lbs. If I would have kept eating clean I'm not sure I would have hit that weight but would have produced a better final product. I was expecting an increase in appetite but this completely passed what I was expecting. I plan on running this product again but will definitely be better prepared for the outrageous amounts of food intake I was consuming.

I will definitely order again with Roidsmall.

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Communication was on point he answered all emails within hr he made the process of ordering very easy

package was tight and discreet ta was two weeks

Two tren ace two sus and anadrol 50

i dosed the tren ace at 150 and the drol at 100 pwo. The tren ace is very potent within days my agression strength and vascularity was up zero pip i might add he has one of the strongest tren i have ever ran. The drol at 100 ed was wow insane pumps i packed on ten lbs in no time. The sus had me hornier then a porn star it was like i had permanent beer googles

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Hands down, Roidsmall has the best products out there. Pharmaceutical quality, human grade. None of their products can be matched. I've tried them all and been using the gear since they opened.

No pain, no swelling, no post injection pain. 12 weeks back to back bulk/cut cycles.

Phenomenal packaging, the products effectiveness is right beside the giants like Bayer and such.

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this is about my 10th order with these guys, always comes through

This order took a little longer than usual due to issues that I was kept updated on thoroughly. Usually you can expect order within 7-10

This test prop is hands down the best test I have ever used. Prior to this was ORIGINAL british Dragon prop 200 over 10+ years ago, I was running almost 1400mg test E from a trusted source prior and 300mg of Kalpa prop blows it the fuck away. The var is also top notch as well as Prov and aromaxyl

Deff order from these guys

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Glad that i found roidsmall. An awesome source offering quality products

Received all the answers I was hoping for within few hours.

Discreet. Nice and neat packaging. Nothing damaged or cracked.

Dragon pharma is awesome. Expensive but works wonders.

ordered DP Masteron 100 5 vials

I used Masteron for 10 weeks @ 500mg a week.

The oils were totally PIP free and crystal clear.

The libido was so intense; it reminded me early days of my puberty.

Muscles were getting leaner every week.

There were no significant gains but the fat loss and vascularity was impressive.

Achieved better tone with muscle separation.

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Roidsmall is the man and his products are fire. He answers all emails in a timely manner, even when in a different time zone.

This review is for Kalpatropin HGH but I've tried alot of his products and have never been disappointed.

I've been running 4 IU's for about 2 months now and have lost 15 pounds and feel like I did in my 30's.

I am baffled that Roidsmall is not ranked higher up on listings. His prices may not be the cheapest, but you get what you pay for and his products and customer service are both top notch.

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This source is quality and on point. The order took 6 days to arrive. The packaging was quality as well, everything tightly bubble wrapped, not one single broken vial. I got 16 of the Kalpa and after just two pins im feeling it hit hard at week 7 of my cycle. Was on sp cyp for first 6 weeks its no comparison., After one week on kalpas i turned ALL red, not just slightly like the SP. My skin oil is shiny everywhere, libido jacked, the stuff has barely any pip at all, fukin potent and doesnt burn going in like the ugl cyp. pulling 1.1cc from the 9015 batch, vials clean (bic pen cap) human grade is the absolute shizznit..u guys are right thats for sure. all numbers on vials checked out, even though im feelin it after 2 pins (7 weeks already in remember) weight up 5 lbs coming off a stall out!! The dbol is best hands down, tried others and no way jose not even close. I want to get many as poss when taxes come in he tossed in couple extra too. THANK YOU i luv the BP blue hearts, some bomb stuff and fine pressed sharp edged hearts, very quality but bitter as hell, pumps are thru the roof!! This gear is DANK no doubt. The process was so damn smooth its not even funny. With the quality, packaging and prices, its a goldmine, fast is the icing on the cake. I have tried the #1 source....but this one is by far ahead of its game and most others ahem ( the b.s. dealing with UGLS). This is what its all about- minus the hype. I will never look back. P.S> Thanks for free 2 boxes clomid! security seals,boxes,directions im very impressed with everything! feels alot safer getting all human grade meds, feels good, looks great! Placing my 2nd order in a couple days...appreciate the express mail and actually fairly paying to have it come so fast.. i bet you get to the top anyhow but get my 100% right here and now! Keep up the good work Roidsmall!!


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