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[Sticky] MassRoids.Com Reviews

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MassRoids.Com Website

Review for the testoxyl enenthate from

Have had every question answered in a couple hours and to me that's a huge plus because some places take days.

Pack arrived in 6 days from the day it was shipped and that is good T/A

I had never ran testoxyl enanthate before and was not disappointed from the results received.

Simple run of 500 mgs week split into to doses, Monday 1cc and again Thursday 1cc.

First pin of the oil on the Monday I began and the oil drew from the vile nicely. The injection was painless as i shot the delt. The next day and up to the 3rd day is where the pip (post injection pain) is of there is any. I never felt any (pip) within those 3 days.

By week two I had the sexdrive rise to levels that I was getting morning wood and the extra boost in the bedroom with the lady. Also, within that time frame the pumps in the weight room were more pronounced.

Week 5 i felt like I was on some damn good testosterone!

  1. Wanting to bang every female that I came close to haha.
  2. Oily face.
  3. Vascularity in the delts and quads.
  4. Aggression/aggravation
  5. Sex 2-3 times daily.
  6. Smaller muscles being focused on are popping.

Week 10 was the end of the run do last shot was done and was happy with the short run.

With this run I wanting to focus on the lagging muscles that get neglected from mass/strength training as it's strictly for getting size and strong. It's great to have good supplements and when I'm doing detail work like this time it really helps the muscle pop amd really fill with blood while the working those particular muscles.

Water intake is increased while running gear...unusually don't set an exact amount as I usually just consume as much as possible in one day (more the better)

Multi vitamins, omga 3 and a variety of other vitamins are cconsumed too.

I increase the protien from 50 grams x 2 hours to 100 grams every 2 hours as you can absorb mkre in one meal being youre morre anobolic.

Other than that I eat all damn day! Depending on my estro control i will eat no sugar if running my estro low (keep low water) and eat a SHIT TON OF ICECREAM EVERY NIGHT if I keep estro high (greater gains with water).

My estro was controlled to the lower side being summer here.

I was happy with is run and well worth it!

Thanks for test and can't wait for the next run.,

This topic was modified 2 months ago by Admin

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I couldn't be more impressed with this supplier! My order came within 8 days, and everything was there as described! I tried a few other company's on here and was disappointed, I can happily say I have found a sold supplier!

Packaging was very discrete, I had to this sent to my job with zero issues at all!

I am running a 10 week cycle, and I'm 3 weeks in so far! The tren and primo in this cycle is incredible! All the sides u can want such as night sweats and bad dreams, as well as having a nice grainy look to my muscles! I have been eating clean as this was a cutting cycle for me, I still have put on 6lbs but have cut my body fat down significantly! Very impressed...

excellent source, as I have tried about 7 places so far on here, and this was my fav! I have been ripped off by other sources, but not this one, this was exactly what the Dr ordered!!

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Having used these lads for the last 6 months and have taken numerous amount of orders as I was competing, they catered to all my needs and went the extra mile to get products they haven't got on there site.

They have a fast service and very quick responses.

Very discreetly packed as I had them sent to work and a twat opened my mail but was bubble wrapped so he couldn't see what was in there, phewww

The products and quality was very good and boy oh boy that 7lab clen is foooking very strong (they did warm me) but I took the same dosage as Chinese but 1 tab of the Swiss 7lab = 8 Chinese.

They got me through my comps and even sorted last minute order, they went the extra mile for me & I have recommended them to many gym buddies as these lads stock very potent juice

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I've used massroids 3 times now, and they absolutely rock! 5-7 days to east coast each time. answered all my questions right away. running 7lab test-e, dragon pharma deca, kalpa d-bols. all g2g! great prices on pct, but havent used them yet. overall experience - 5 stars!! highly recomend massroids! will be ordering more for sure. Only problem now is they're getting so popular, they're having trouble staying in stock. Good for you massroids!

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The absolute best customer service you could ask for....received mine everytime in 6 days. I will not even check another site out.

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I've been busy with the new baby and took a break for a while. Its three weeks since I started up again and I love it. I got dragon pharma dbols,  test 400 and boldenone. I could not be happier. I run the test 400 @ 2mls a week and 3mls of boldenone. Works great for me. I also am running 10mg twice a day of the dbols. Never had a bad product from him. I recommend taking advantage of the sale this weekend with the greatest name for a sale ever. Lol

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giving thanks to the MassRoids team for out standing service. ordered my gear, made the payment and the next day got an email saying that they recieved payment and my package was fully shipped. my hats of to the team for being professional and curteous, really made a stellar first impression on me. i will only order from MassRoids and they have my support with customer service being unparallel to ALOT of business in todays world.
so, now to my cycle:
i'm 5'8 180 @ 8% BF. been weight training for over 5 years and this would be my second cycle for this year. cycle consists of test c, eq, and t-bol. pct consists of HCG, clomid and nolva. there it is...

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welcome brother you have made a wise won't be dissapointed


looking for time and financial freedom

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Posts: 159

Welcome bro, great to hear about your order. Now don't be a stranger, keep us posted on your progress!!

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Congrats bro...

But i have to tell you that HCG shouldnt be used during PCT.

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thanks for the warm welcome boys. will definitely keep you guys posted on my progress.

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Welcome bro. cycle looks good but Rulez is right HCG is not for pct. Also out of curiosity what is your age


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Posted by: Nitrateman
Welcome bro.cycle looks good but Rulez is right HCG is not for pct.Also out of curiosity what is your age


gotcha on the hcg. i'm 31 by the way...

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Posts: 77
Posted by: deftoned
gotcha on the hcg. i'm 31 by the way...

Run the HCG 2x per week for a total of 1000iu. Start at week 3 up until PCT.

Goodluck with your cycle bro!

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Posted by: Rulez
Run the HCG 2x per week for a total of 1000iu. Start at week 3 up until PCT.

Goodluck with your cycle bro!

thanks bro.

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