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[Sticky] DragonPharmaSteroids.com Reviews

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DragonPharmaSteroids.com Website

I originally ordered from DragonPharmaSteroids.com because of a suggestion by a friend. At first I was skeptical on the entire concept, ordering online has always seemed kind of off to me. So my first order was rather small, just to test the waters, and I haven't been disappointed since. I have since ordered on five separate occasions with varying products, sizes of orders, even various sales and alternate labs. However the shipping has always been quite fast, and my order was handled well every time, and I've never experienced anything resembling a problem that wasn't my own fault.

I want to be able to write a review on the communication and support, but I have never needed it to be fully honest. On a certain level I felt like I should have at least made the attempt, but at that my point my order would ship and I would get it a few days later and render the idea useless.

The packaging has always been superb. I did receive one order where the outside package was ripped (I blame the mail handlers) however the secondary packaging inside was fine. Felt like they managed to dodge a major bullet, and get me my order by being thorough.

To say nothing of the packaging of the product itself inside of the outer packing, which is quite excellent as well. While it may be a bit of a pain in the ass to get it out of all the wrapping, I'd rather be inconvenienced by this than not get my order.

I have never had a problem with quality from DragonPharmaSteroids. I did PIP quite badly on the Test E much harder than I did from the Test C, but that is a very minor complaint.

My best results so far have come from a come from figuring out the right combo of Test and Tren for my purposes, but when I was attempting to cut down after gaining entirely too much fat the Clen and T3 I received from DPS were top notch. Experienced all of the results I wanted and then some in less than three weeks.

I fully intend to order more from dragonpharmasteroids.com in the future. Next on my list for products to try is probably the Primobolan, and EQ. I have also wanted to order some Test 400 for months, but it has been consistently unavailable when I have looked. Which is less of a big deal than it may sound, as all of their other products I have wanted have been readily available. So I may post an additional review if or when I order and try these products out.

This topic was modified 2 days ago 2 times by Admin
