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1Steroids.Net Reviews

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1Steroids.net Website

1steroids is one of my favourate supplier for genuine stuff! i have used primobolan from 1steroids in past. the primo was smooth i had no pain what so ever after the injections.however primo kicked in late say 3rd week of my cycle.this cycle i used with a recommendation of friend who last time had a succesful cycle with same stuff from 1steroids.the effects i can say was good however i gained so,me fat because i was trying togain muscle and was on carb loading . but still i am satisfied with the results i got.

it took exactaly 14 days to reach stuff to my door so that was one impressive t/a

i used primo for 12 weeks exactly at dose of 100mg a week for 4 weeks than jumped to 150mg as i thought that time that primo is not workig so well but as soon as i started my 5th week boom there it was i felt primo as i was lifting crazy weight and feeling of going gym and doing something was amazing.i had so much energy that i worked-out in morning and played soccer in evening and was still not tired.speaking of results the results were great i had a succesful primo cycle with 10 pounds of gain that have fat as well tho but i look great now.

musclehustle, JJ007, waynowon and 19 people reacted
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once again 1steroids pulled through! I have been ordering from them for two years now 10+ orders and they have not let me down once! they have great products and great sales! I really enjoy dealing with them because they are always kind and very knowledgeable about there products.

all products are high quality. I use long esters for long cycles and they work great! I have been using these products in cycles for a few years now and the compounds have always been very reliable.

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I ordered a number of items from 1steroids about 3-4 months ago and have finished my cycle. I bought Kalpa Test C , my AI and my PCT from 1steroids. I compared their pricing to various other sites, including postage to my country (along with communication and Rep on here) . .before making my mind up. I couldn't get the same products at a better price elsewhere . .some places want alot for shipping costs. The product was great. I will use the same product again and will certainly use this supplier again.

There was no issue or difficulty with the packaging. Very happy.

I ran an 11 week cycle ( to match the undulating peroidisation in my training cycle) and now am into PCT. I will not review the PCT products as I am not finished but they are 7Labs and Kalpa Labs so . . . . they are hardly hinging on my endorsement. I was very very happy with the Kalpas Test C. I only took 350mg a week . .I wanted to start easy and i'm delighted i did. I saw huge results and will use nothing but a Test C cycle again when the time comes . . . .I would try a Test E cycle but I have Test C left unopened. so ill add to that for the next time.

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I am runnin some test e, test prop kick start wit some dbol and switch to kalpa in the midddle of it and the shit is pretty good, if not better than what i was runnin. My buddy says there var and winnie are g2g to, so i give props to this source, keep doin what your doin you'll move up.



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once again i have a new favorite source. cant say enough about 1STEROIDS. customer service top notch, he is honest as they come, and gear is top notch

communication i give an A++

T/A was about 8 days after donation

TRENOLAB-E 10ml 200mg/ml

SUSTALAB 10ml 250mg/ml

best i have had since my little sponge guy source went bye bye

1STEROIDS is as honest as they come and will bend over backwards to make it right with his customers. Thanks 1STEROIDS

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First I want to say 1steroids is probably the best with communication, Thank-you. The gear looks amazing as always I asked him to get it here extra quick do to gyno. He had it here in two days. Thanks 1steroids, will refer you to all my bros!


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I have had 3 orders with 1Steroids, and have received all of them.

Very discrete packages. No way that it would open or become exposed.

Tren A, Test E, Clomid, Nolva, Clen, T3, Tbol

The quality is fantastic. Very little/no pip, which was a big problem for me with other products. The Tbol gave me fantastic dry, vascular gains. The Tren A/Test E combo is increasing my strength like crazy. Fyi, I started the Test E a good 6 weeks before the Tren A. My weight has increased around 25 lbs since I started the cycle. A bit deceptive, since I was cutting right before that, I think 8lbs of that was glycogen. So that's a net of 17 lbs in 7 full weeks. Not bad!

Happy to re-order with 1Steroids.net again!

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Posts: 25

Have had multiple orders now with 1steroids and have been extremely happy every single time...

Packed like a pro...

(1) Test C

(2) Bolenone

(2) Tren A

(1) Deca

Product has always been fire...

No PIP for me at all...

This and another order combined for a few months for a friend who has just put gains and strength threw the roof...

This guy needs to be back on the boards...

Kalpa is top of the line gear...


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Got my gear today all in original packaging !! no damages, exactly what i ordered and it was to my front door step in my mail box exactly 6 business days from the day sent out .

Being that everything is in original packaging i have no doubts that the gear is REAL(NOT FAKE)..........

This was my first time ordering off line for this type of stuff so i will admit that i had concerns , but all of those concerns have been put to rest thanx to 1steroids and his outstanding service and quality of gear!

1Steroids you are the man and you have my business from here on in!!!!!!!!!

For anyone else reading this be assured that 1Steroids are LEGIT!!!!

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Kalpatropin from 1Steroids

Great communication. Source answered all my questions about the product, most questions I could have just done my own research but I felt reassured getting responses from 1Steroids. Always promt and friendly.

Product arrived within T/A, uniquely packed.

I was using another popular generic prior, I took a break and cleaned out for three weeks before starting the Kalpatropin at 4iu/day. I may get crap for saying this but within the first 2 weeks I could tell these were of higher quality in comparison to the other product I was using. Much cleaner feeling. I never got numb or puffy hands unless I fell asleep with my hand under the pillow. Nor did I get lethargic after morning injections or noticeable water retention, not one red welt or painful injection site either. Negative sides were nonexistent, aside from not wanting to wake up in the morning and a little aggravation to some dental issues I have. About 6 weeks in now, I'm not using anything else except a trt dose of test cyp. I'm genetically lean and have a fast metabolism, easy for me see the minor increases in vascularity early on and I can tell my metabolism has jacked up to the point were I can literally eat whatever I want and wake up looking like I'm on some prep diet. Excess hair & nail growth, and even cuticle growth has become annoying.

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awesome source to deal with nice and easy. he was not a jerk but a polite source for what its worth

2weeks T/A international is good especially when some internationals are 4plus weeks sometimes

Mast E - finishing week 6 on it for prep at 350mgs a week .5ml ED. veins have turned my arms into a road map, im more agressive in the gym and overall i realize now what ive been missing in mast. amazing drug and along with my test ester and such a good diet this prep im coming in very lean, and vascular!

might just have to order more mast! love it!



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I've used 1Steroids for quite some time. This is my first "large" order per say and previously Ive never had a problem.

All his products I've tested ( Kalpa : Dbol, Test E, Test S , Test C , Deca - PCT items Tamox, HCG, Clomid and Arimidex ) have all worked. I've used him for almost a year now... Shipping has been 1-3 weeks

Side effects from all Anabolics ( oily skin, acne etc etc )

I've gained about 25lbs and kept of solid muscle over this time and my Strength has literally "almost" doubled on everything This time I put in a larger order in. 2 weeks to receive, great communication

Building muscle and might builds strong minds and character. Respect and humility come from lifting weights and feeding yourself with care. And from these distinguished qualities a great nation of people is built, by God. (Of course the God part is your choice, friend.)" Dave Draper

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I came to know about this site form another board. I have ordered twice from them.

Everything was securely packed. The first package took two weeks and the second one around two and a half. This is due to the local post. Sometimes they are very slow and processing takes extra few days. The packages arrived inside my country in a week but customs and local post took time.

Mast Prop:

I had a feeling that my body fat is melting off very fast. It shreded me up nicely at the end of my cycle. I started seeing veins on my muscles. Skin got thinner which added a nice look to my physique. I ran it 600 MG every week in the last 8 weeks of my cycle.


This aromasin is totally on point. I started running it from day 1 and couldn't find any signs of "itchy nipples" or bloat.

It was a great cycle. My body fat dropped down and added solid weight to my body.

All in all it was a great experience with above mentioned products.

Highly recommend this source

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I've been purchasing gear from 1Steroids in the past few months and every single time gets better and better. The Product quality is good and plus, they ship it super fast. I ordered some Winstrol last week and I just received it. Seems legit to me and so easy to order and transfer money. I'd highly recommend 1Steroids and will order more gear soon.

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After placing my first order, my buddy and I decided to place another follow-up order. What's nice is that this buying experience was the same and as predictable as the first & previous order.

The Kalpa gear I previously ordered was of better quality than the stuff I get locally.

I will be placing another order very soon - thank you 1Steroids!

Just another cyclist..

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