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Sciroxx Laboratories

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In this thread you are welcomed to share your personal experience with Sciroxx Laboratories brand products, by leaving a review below.

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Ordered a few bottles of testodex e and p. Ran the test p at a low dose 75mg every 4 days (2) a week my sex drive was up next day after the first pin. I have been on trt and can honestly say this stuff is legit. Accurately dosed . my strength is way up been running for about 5 weeks and my wife needs a break!!! Getting lean and gaining nice size.

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Kickstarted my cycle with Test p @ 100mg eod. I was happy with the results. It did what it was supposed to do. Gave me the initial libido boost. Strength was going up and I was happy hitting some solid weights at the start of my cycle.

I'm very pleased to say that the experience was well worth it. All the tell tale signs: deep sleep, sense of wellness, energy and increased hair growth. Experienced slight water retention from it.

Stuff I say is ficticious. DOnt take anything I say seriously.

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This one gave me some deardful tren coughs. Was hard to breath couple of minutes post injection. Despite, I loved it. It hardened me up incredibly fast with veins popping out everywhere. I was sweating all night. Restless sleep and Acid reflux irritated the hell out of me but when I came off, I was one diced shredded mofo. I ran this Tren Ace 100mg eod.

I consider myself lucky enough to have found this quality line.

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This is a review for sciroxx methanodex 10mg that i ordered. Good range of products.

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Would definitely recommend sciroxx as a lab, good strength and size gains,

Ran for 8 weeks, 30-40mg dbol day, test prop and tren ace 3 times per week Pct went ok, kept strength and size gains

Overall would definitely recommend

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Sciroxx Methanodex 10mg

top quality, all the things as one can expect from good dianabol. I have been using them now three weeks and mood is always high, 5kg up in body weight, recovery is great.

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Sciroxx test p100

Sciroxx Mastodex 100.

Product quality is up there just as good as any other lab . Ran the sciroxx test p100 at 500 per week 12 weeks and the mastodex p 100 at 500 per week 12 weeks. Started to notice effect pretty quick as these are propinate esters. The reason for this was I need to add some size and definition back after my last cycle eneded around the end of last year. The test was great for adding size and strength. The mast p was great for adding strength and definition. I finished this cycle 3 weeks ago lost 15 pounds of body fat wile adding more size definition.

Even their propinate is smooth and does not give pip. Quite impressive I think it has to do with their level of quality control.

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Wow the tren was intenseeeeee got me the oily skin and night sweats. Got some tren cough. Highly recomended. The masteron was high quality it beought out my cuts and libido is crazy high The methanodex made me feel like a monster at the gym. I had anavar before but this shit right here nigga this shit right here is where its at Very potent product got crazy pumps at the gym

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The gear was just as good as any gear i've ran from any top lab here. Very clean, clear, smooth and most of all, very potent. Labels were pretty too. Cant complain about anything and recommend Sciroxx to everyone.

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Oils are clean and clear. Smooth injections NO pip what so ever. Front loaded 2 1/2cc into each dealt and wasn't soar at all. I know good cyp and this is definitely great test. Haven't used methanodex yet but I'm sure it's just as good as his test.

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Their products are great. I recently had my blood work done while on 750 mgs test, 600 mgs eq and 350 mgs tren. My test levels came back @ 3690. Thats equivalent to what 750 mgs should do. I also have a labmax steroid test kit which checks for the presence of all anabolic compounds. However, it doesn't give potency. I've tested Sciroxx test cyp, test enth., tren, dbol and anavar. They all tested positive for each compound correctly. Between these 2 tests I can say with 100% certainty that not only are Sciroxx products legit but they're also dosed as labeled which is huge. There r so many labs out there that sell bunk and under dosed gear. Don't waste ur time with them. GO WITH SCIROXX AND GROW!

Sorry for my english...
I'm brazillian...

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Switched from another top labs test to sciroxx and had a seamless transition. I always go with the sciroxx line and everything I have ordered has been excellent! Sciroxx products are top shelf.

My last cycle of sciroxx products was 14 weeks of high tren and low test and it was the best cycle ive ever had, i got absolutely shredded and put on quite a bit of weight. Sciroxx tren e is the best ive ever used hands down
