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[Sticky] Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Reviews

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KP Sustaxyl 350. Very pleased with Kalpa, so are my friends that ordered with me.

Best test I've done since preloads from Mexico at 1 tenth the price. And, I've been using for 20 years. Starting with 540 mg/wk then 810mg then 1080.

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I've ran KP test e a few times and it's always good to go, smooth no pip and definitely legit. This time i kick started with test p and dbol. I ran the KP dbol for 4 weeks and the test p for 4 weeks, i also ran the test p for the last 4 weeks without the test e. The dbol is STRONG you can feel it immediatlely if you take it an hour before your workout you instantly get stronger. The test way jacks up your strength too. The products im most impressed with though are their pct and ancillerary products. I ran hcg throughout this cycle at 200 iu mon wed fri and holy moly did it make a HUGE difference in my recovery. Best idea ever was to grab their HCG!!! I seriously recovered immediately after coming off. I'm still taking the clomid and nolva but i'm sure i would have been fine if i never even touched them and just came off. Running the HCG was that effective. My labido and erections are just as strong now after being off for 5 weeks than they were on cycle and it was like that from the day the test cleared my system. Literally no shrinkage in my balls, no blue balls pain before after or during cycle. Nothing. I cant get over what a difference running HCG made in my cycle. I kept waiting to feel a crash after i stopped the test p. I waited 5 days, then 6 days, then 7 8 9 days and their was no crash and at that point i knew all the test was out of my system, i had ceased the test e 5 weeks prior and was just on the test p. So i just started taking the nolva and clomid anyway. Their HCG blows my mind. No cycle should be run without it.

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Arimixyl: This product has kept the sides and water down while on a heavy bulk cycle. Great product!

GH Kalpatropin; So far the product seems to be working as well as other generics I have used in the past. I take 5 i.u.'s a day while on cycle and will scale back to 3.5 while off. I have been using for about 2 months now and it has picked up right where my old gh had left off. Solid product for the price for sure.

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This review is for Kalpa Pharma Testoxyl Cypionate and Kalpa Pharma Arimixyl.

The product quality seemed good. There are codes that you can enter online to verify the stuff is legit. I'll be honest and tell you that I got a classic case of "test flu" from the test cyp. I was making good gains and was getting stronger. The blood tests confirmed that the stuff was solid along with the Arimixyl. Taking .5mg twice a week and about 250 mgs a week it kept my estrogen levels on the normal range and test levels at the above normal range which is all I need. My free test was through the roof!

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Masteroxyl 100 is definitely my favorite. I knew what to expect from it as I have been running it for many years. I could barely feel any pip. Speaking of qualities, I started feeling incredibly good, focused and horny. It just kept on adding definition. Harder and more vascular, My skin always looks healthy tight and thinner and for that reason I will give props to Drost over any other gear excluding HGH. It does give me some aching joints but takes my libido at crazy levels. Higher than any form of Teststosterone. Sense of well being is just awesome.

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