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[Sticky] Dragon Pharma Reviews

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This review is for Test S/ water base test

Picked up the test to use as a kicker/PWO. So I work out in the morning a hour before I take 1/2cc for a good boost and 12 hours later I take another 1/2cc to keep my levels up. I will say this is the best water best test I have used to date. Doesn't stop up the pin and pins smooth doesn't burn and have been getting some great strength and size gains.

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6x Test E 250

6x Tren A 100

1 of our best cycles to date. Brother and I put on clean solid weight, tons of strength almost immediately, PIP was minimal. The one thing we noticed at the end of the cycle was we didn't break out during PCT like we had in the past. I don't know why but it made us happy.

Just placed an order for Mast, Tren, and Test today be back in a few months to review them. I'm pumped to try Mast.

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Cannot comment on quality of test p and NPP for a few more weeks but will update then. The mast p is potent. I love it. By day 4 I was pissing out more water and striations started to become more apparent. By the end of week 1 my physique had dried out considerably and I noticed a libido increase (more of a damn I'd hit that than constant erections). My veins have all started to pop a lot more, almost looks like I have a pump but without the increase in muscle volume (just the veins are pumped). By mid week 1 I noticed an increased hardness to my muscles and a slight strength gain (I am eating maintenance kcals)

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Been running tri-tren and test e from Dragon Pharma for about 3 weeks now and I can confirm that the gear is g2g.

Freedom Is NOT Free

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Dragon pharma anavar review

It hardened me up in no time. My diet was on spot and i had a wonderful experience watching myself toned merely in 2 weeks. The strength didn't drop at all infact i noticed some progress in my lifts. My legs were more hardened. Dragon pharma made high quality anavar and i am sure the other gear would be a quality too

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Is this a trusted company? I am new and at a standstill in building muscle. I work my ass of in the gym and can't seem to get over 17" arms.


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First off welcome bro...if you have reached a plateau in your gains, you may be able to get over that sticking point with just a diet adjustment. Also a detailed look at your training, to make it is intense enough but also to be sure that you are not over-training so that you get adequate rest for recovery and growth. There are many options to get over that plateau other than AAS. I suggest you exhaust them all before using gear. Again welcome and feel free to post up any Q' that you may have!

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Hey bro thanks I will do that but I have changed my diet and actually went to a more riggerous workout. I am also in MMA Mixed martial Arts and I wonder if that cardio is making it tougher to gain but again thanks for the help. You can be sure I will post questions.


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Gus is right but i have heard very good things about Dragon Pharma and i have heard bad stuff but the good out ways the bad

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I use their Tbols and now Anadrol 50 and find it to be good. It's better than some of the UG labs round here and can find it cheaper as well.

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the best one

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