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[Sticky] Axiolabs Reviews

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Even though it sucks, I would rather have bunk gear that's safe than get an abcess from something not sterile. Let's keep perspective here, we are buying injectable steroids from the internet and so far the only problem is maybe a bad cycle.

That said, I would hate to run bunk test with a strong nandrolone...... Yikes!

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Posted by: kimble007
okay, so everybody is in agreeance that Axio's ONLY bad/underdosed product was their test enanthate and Sustaplex?

Bro I ran test e most of this summer due to not getting prop and there was no problem with it i made great gains. I think a lot of this is blown way up out of proportion but I can vouche for test e

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Have received Test Prop from Axiolabs, and I have admit that It went smooth and no PIP. Increased strength and mass gains.

Used for 3 weeks and have notice increased in strength and mass. PIP wasn't that bad.

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Everything so far has been top notch. IMO, Axiolabs is the most trustworthy product on the market.

Their PCT products work great. Their ADEX is always easy to manage and all of the oils are top tier.

Test-e built up nicely. Prop pins perfect.

Tren-e was a thick red/crimson and reminds me of the old school oil.

Bold didn't give any pip and worked nicely (past cycle).

Clen worked great. Obvious sides were present.

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Using Axio d bol 50mg per days for kick start the cycle and test e 750 mg deca 500mg per weeks been 4 weeks and gain 15 lbs and all exercise was improve chest press from 205 lbs to 255 lbs leg press from 1000lbs to 1200 lbs . Using exemestane 12.5 mg per days to reduces all the side , and it work very well !

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Friend is loving the testaplex E and decaplex and Dbol. Getting strong and adding some nice size

The testP and testE pins smooth and is giving me the libido of a teen again. Feeling 15 yrs younger.

Wife is loving the Anavar. Adding some lean muscle

If you haven't tried Axiolabs need to give them a try.

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Products are awesome! Great gains on the prop so far. All AI's work great keeps gyno in check and boys back to health!

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I place an HGH (Axotropin) order several months ago. There was no doubt that it was legit stuff. I had been on other hgh from a local "friend" and after using the axotropin from axiolabs I noticed an amazing difference. Better sleep, recovery, etc.

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The product quality is top notch. I ran 750mg of Test e and 500mg of Deca for 10 weeks. I gained a minimum of a half inch on nearly all muscle groups (biceps, quads, calves, pecs, etc.). My squat max jumped 80 lbs, bench press 40 lbs, and unsure on the deadlift as I have yet to max. I started at 215lbs with 10% bodyfat, and am currently 238lbs with 12% bodyfat. Although I am sure some of it is water retention.

If you have not tried axiolabs gear I highly recommend you give them a try.

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This review is for Axotropin HGH... definately one of the easiest sources ive ordered from....

been using the axotropin for a month or so and feel great... sleep great...wake up refreshed... been working out hard twice a day and very little muscle soreness after starting the axotropin also have been gettiing great pumps and have noticed a good increase in strength... finger tips have been a little numb at times currently using 4ius ED...

Axiolabs have great products

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