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[Sticky] 7Lab Pharma Reviews

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pinning 1/2 cc of t250 every 3 days- took maybe 2 weeks to kick, i feel great. kept stable levels t3- been cycling off and on 2 on 2 off for about 2 months.. im down about 9 good lbs. winny- first time i have ever used it.. hardness is ridiculous, like a round the clock pump.. and im more vascular.

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Just finishing Testolab-E&C 250 and decalab 250, great cycle, Im getting my next here in a bit, very impressed with 7Lab Pharm. Legit product, be careful though, if you get bad pip on the E&C, it is just as it says, not for virgin muscle, even if youve been doing it awhile, first week is tough, then body gets used to it and youre fine. Love IT!

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The DECA is good. I am a TREN guy so in comparison obviously its not gonna blow me up like TREN but I have seen steady gains at 600mg a week. I am up a solid 10-12lbs with his DECA and EQ with a comparable increase in strength due to the muscle gain. The EQ is at about 800mg a week and I have great vascularity and can really get hit with a case of the munchies here and there. Its tough to really tell as there is obviously some TEST in the mix but coming to the end of 2 months I feel that both products are performing as planned. After a shot of the DECA within 2-3 days I can notice, if not throwing some PROP in the mix, some DECA dick. Endurance and blood volume are up. I can tell in some situations that my blood is thinker when I feel like my head is going to pop in a decline position. I know this is a "bulking mix" but I am not eating massive amounts. I am trying to keep it clean and lean and feel my gains are good considering my dose, types of work outs, and caloric intake. Joints feel great too which is a nice benefit I receive form Nandralone.

7Lab is a great LAB. I am enjoying running its product as it works and the PIP is non existent.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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this is a review for 7Lab Pharm line Dbol. I had about a 3 weeks supply running 50 milligrams daily that I used to begin a bulking stage of my cycle. I used it for 3 weeks before switching to drol. this was my first compound I've used from 7Lab Pharm and I was very happy with it.

like I stated above I used this to begin a bulking stage of my cycle. I used it before switching to anapolon. it definitely gave me a great kick start and after 10 days strength increase was definitely noticeable.I gained a few pounds within those first few weeks but nothing really significant to be honest. I mostly just noticed a great increase in strength that was obviously due to the dbol.considering the strength gain I got from only 20 days use, I can imagine if I ran it for a longer period of time the strength increase would have been greater and the weight would have come along with it. I have no doubt in my mind. This was my first compound running from the 7Lab Pharm line and although it was only a small sample I was very pleased.

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This reviews is for: Test E, Eq, Test P, Tren A, and Mast A

I have been on the products for 3 weeks now and have a noticable increase in libido. My strength has been consistently going up. My skin has gotten much more oily (unfortunatly but a good sign) and i have noticed an increase in my appetite over the past week. Injections are super smooth and i have zero pip. I describe it as im a walking hard-on these past two weeks and its only getting better. So far everything seems on par as i have used these compounds before.

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it's always nice to see when a lab makes good tren

I am a huge fan of any ester of trenbolone, but this time i have chosen trenolab-e to make less injections a week ..

strangely i get less sides on tren e than tren a .. which is a good thing of course 🙂

however tren starts to kick in after 3 weeks and i got night sweats and very good gains of muscle mass together my bulk diet

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Product Used: Stanolab 10, Dianobol-lab 10, Tamoxi-lab, Clomi-lab, Cleno-lab.

Describe dose used of product and length used: Persons using the dbol have showed real good gains as I cannot personally comment on using it. Have been on tren ace 300 mg/week, and winny 60 mg/day for 22 days along with the clen 120 mcg/day and have noticed significant gains and fat loss. extremely happy how it cycle is turning out.

Will post when i start PCT.

On cycle sides and signs of effectivness: Just a much bigger appetite but with a little discipline looking pretty shredded.

Compare this product to equal products you have used in the past: N/A

Did you do bloodwork before or during or after cycle to confirm product effectivness? N/A

What was your overall experience with the cycle in terms of meeting goal: so far everything is gtg. very pleased.

Would you use 7Lab Pharm again? Yes

List your stats and cycle experience as it pertains to this product and others: Stats at beginning of cycle- 6'4, 213 16%. Now 6'4, 225, 13% BF. 6 wks left.

Final comments and rating for this lab: First time donating with this lab. Although very pleased with overall experience with 7lab from pricing and of course the product itself, the only thing I would say is that it looks like more supply needs to be met for demand.


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I was very impressed with the 7Lab product line. My cycle was 12 weeks. test e 500mg 12 weeks, deca 400 mg 10 weeks, and aromasin on hand just in case. 250 iu hcg twice a week and three blasts of 1000 iu at the end of the cycle. The hcg and Nolva are doing a great job helping me recover along with a couple SARMs I purchased from another lab.

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