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I wanted to know if any one has tried Mastolab-200 and can tell me the pros and cons when used for Road/Mtb Cycling.

I’ve done a search but did not get any hits on GROWXXL. It might possibly be called something else in different countries?

From what I’ve read it’s made up of Drostanolone Enanthate.

Mastolab-200 is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, displaying a potent androgenic effect that is responsible for increases in muscle density and hardness and a moderate anabolic effect that creates a positive nitrogen balance in humans and promotes protein synthesis. Since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, Drostanolone does not aromatize in any dosage and thus it cannot be converted into estrogen. Therefore, estrogen-related water retention is eliminated. Mastolab-200 combines the fast-acting propionate form with the longer acting enanthate form.

Surly there must be a place for this one in the if some one is looking for something that does not convert to estrogen and no water retention?

I was thinking of using it with Anavar for my Next Cycle.

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My take. Solid muscle and acne. I know quite a few that didn't get acne though.....but everyone hardens without dropping muscle mass.


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is this the same as masteron?

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yes...same base as Masteron.


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sweet, but will it make me stronger and make me go harder in sprints, will it have recovery properties, increase in RBS? Also, you say it’ll make me harder, I guess I’d loose some water weight then, so it’s good for loosing a couple of grams ey?

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I find this very interesting: "Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right, if you include Masteron in your cycle, you may not need other "ancillary" drugs like Arimidex or letrozole). Hence, much like proviron, Masteron could be used as an anti-side-effect-drug"

Got it off:

I wonder if this will work better than Arimidex if one was thinking of doing a low dose EQ 200 to keep the water retention down?

I’ve tried Arimidex at Half a tab per day and did not do anything for me.

Something like this?:

Novedex XT 3 p/d for Mr. Picker
EQ 200 p/w – RBS and Recovery?
ANAVAR 20mg p/d in divided doses – Strength
Masteron 200 e/3d – to stop water retention / keep weight down.

What you guys think? I see some one on this list got there crit up to 49 with just 150-200 p/w Masteron, so I might skip the EQ all together then.

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First off with regards to an increase in RBC, there are a number of factors. Almost all studies you see are done with androgens are on Anemic subjects that show increases in RBC. You are not Anemic. Second, with just about every drug or environment there are differing amounts of response. I believe that the amount of androgens you need to see substantial increases in RBC will be a decrement, since the bodymass you gain will be counterproductive. That being said. If you are only about sprinting its would be good to use moderate doses of AAS. The nature of most cycling events are almost entirely aerobic and to make large amounts of aerobic power does NOT require large amounts of muscle mass....the kind that moderate doses of AAS will bring. Hypertrophy of a given muscle fiber will reduce its oxidative other words your VO2 Max might drop. There are many things you can use to decrease recovery times between training sessions or races. If you use Masteron it will free up testosterone, so a proper cycle for a cyclist would look like maybe 75mg of Test a week and 125mg of Masteron a week. From personal experience Masteron did not have the anti-aromitization effect as Arimidex, but then again I used an enthanate ester with masteron and a propionate ester with test injected EOD. I may have not given it enough time or I may be particularly sensitive to conversion. I believe your cycle is a little aggressive for any cyclist whose event is longer than a couple minutes. For Mr. Pecker.....the only thing to use for long periods of time would be Test or a SERM only. So, if you are concerned with Mr. Pecker, I would always include Test and maybe one other compund as mentioned above with the Masteron/Test cycle. There is NO need to use 3 or 4 compounds unless you are in fact a bodybuilder or weightlifter. So, if you want to use Var use that 20mg a day along with 75mg of Test. Or dose an EQ cycle like a Masteron/Test cycle and run for 15 weeks. The test dosage I advise above is just to keep Mr. Pecker happy and not for anabolic enhancement...that's what the other compounds are for. If you use Test alone 125mg a week. Keep a SERM on hand.


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Posted by: cycle-ist
You are not Anemic.

No ones Prefect! thx for the info, will do some more research, I've go lots of time before I'm trying a new cycle. I'm just going into my 2de week of 20mg Var Cycle and planning for a 6weeker. But I had the flu so have not done a lot of cycling..

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One other thing Dragon. I would not use any AAS unless your training volume necessitates it. This means well after you start your training blocks. Remember, the primary reason is to decrease recovery time between sessions and not enhance erythropoiesis.


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Taking AAS for erythropoiesis enhancement is like taking EPO for its anabolic effect...
