Masteroxyl 100 (Drostanolone Propionate) from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals: it's an anabolic and androgenic steroid that allows you to get the effect 1-3 days after the first injection. This drug has a moderate anabolic and high androgenic effect, it should be noted that it does not undergo conversion into estrogens, being an aromatase inhibitor.
Masteroxyl 100 Profile
- Increase in definition, density and hardness of the musculature.
- Preservation of gained muscle mass;
- Active fat burning properties;
- Increases strength;
- Suppression of catabolic processes.
So, I know I am in unchartered territory but I have decided how to dose my compounds after mulling it over. I am thinking since I am taking a maintenance dose of Cyp at 100mg/wk to keep my Testosterone levels equivilant to that of a bio male that my cycle doses should be that of a bio male.
After reviewing member feedback I decided to go with Sust and Mast instead of Cyp & Eq....
Now I just need to determine the dosing on this cycle. I am familiar with male doses when single compounds are used but not when they are stacked.
I have used...Cyp, Prop, Tren A ce/Hex, Eq, Dbol, Abombs, Tbol in past....
Here is the plan....please let me know what you think of the doses...(too high, too low)..
Week 1-5 Dbol 30mg/day
Sust 125mg/EOD
Mast 75 mg/EOD
adex .25mg/EOD
Week 6-12 Sust 125mg/EOD
Mast 75 mg/EOD
Adex .25mg/EOD
Week 12-14 Sust 125 mg/EOD
Adex .25mg/EOD
Also not sure whether to continue the Cyp at 100mg/wk during this cycle or if I should discontinue until cycle complete. Test levels should stay plenty high on Sust....
"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." Leonardo da Vinci
No need to worry about virilization here so masteron dosing at 50-100 mgs 3 times per week,as far as the cyp if your using sus i dont believe it is necessary..so the way your cycle is layed out it looks pretty good
looking for time and financial freedom
The obvious question is what is the purpose of the cycle? It seems pretty light for any competitive purposes.....and you guys need to get away from the front loading with orals theory.
WOW! You're HUGE. You take steroids, don't you!
The obvious question is what is the purpose of the cycle? It seems pretty light for any competitive purposes.....and you guys need to get away from the front loading with orals theory.
This is a bulker....mass is the goal....love to hear your feedback on doses...
Also like to hear more about your thoughts on frontloading w/orals....don't always respond well to orals....
"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." Leonardo da Vinci
I'd do the following for the best bulking cycle, based on the guess that you haven't bulked before....
16 week cycle
Weeks 1-16 Sustaxyl 350: 1CC 2xweek
Weeks 1-12 Nandroxyl 250: 1CC/week
Weeks 13-16 Masteron: 100mg/eod
Weeks 5-12 sustanon 50: 50mg/day
Weeks 3-10 Arimidex: 1mg/eod
Weeks 13-14 Nolvadex: 20mg/day
The theory of front loading a cycle with an oral is based on the length of time it takes for injectible long ester steroids to show tangible results...usually around week 3. However, you reach a plateau of growth with injectibles, usually around week 10 or 11 because growth is dose related. You reach the mKP growth for a given dose of AAS after about 3 months...and then you stall.
Rather than jump-starting your growth up front and still only reaching the dose-related plateau towards the middle/end of your cycle, if you add in the oral just as you start to reach the top of your ramp, you actually push past that plateau and gain more than you would the other way.
Using sustaxyl (Sustanon) actually does away with the advantage of front loading because it has short ester test (prop) as part of the ingredients and you'll realize very fast gains in the beginning without orals.
I also recommend a late start with adex so that you can take advantage of a short period of higher estrogen, which acts anabolically on your muscle. I also stop all estrogen mitigation for a couple of weeks towards the end to allow estrogen to build slightly again, for the same purpose, then come back with a SERM (Nolvadex) to just blunt estrogen, allowing the lower estrogen to help with muscle building after the oral is stopped.
Start 2 weeks after your last pinning on your bulk
Week 1 HCG: 2000IU day 1, day 3, day 5
Week 1 Clomid: 100mg/day
Week 2 Clomid: 60mg/day
Week 3 & 4 Clomid 40mg/day
WOW! You're HUGE. You take steroids, don't you!
I.w. I really like what you are saying here and will give this a try!! I usually frontload with drol or d-bol then come off and hit it again the last 4 weeks of my cycle because of the stall!! Im actually running a similiar cycle to what you have posted...
looking for time and financial freedom
16 week cycleWeeks 1-16 Sustaxyl 350: 1CC 2xweek
Weeks 1-12 Nandroxyl 250: 1CC/week
Weeks 13-16 Masteron: 100mg/eod
Weeks 5-12 sustanon 50: 50mg/day
Weeks 3-10 Arimidex: 1mg/eod
Weeks 13-14 Nolvadex: 20mg/day
Very Nice!!One question ... should I take an anti-progesteronic drug such as cabaser to counter the effect of deca on my progesterone receptors??According to Visions….”Anytime you use Deca or Tren , Cabaser needs to be used from the beginning and through PCT...
"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." Leonardo da Vinci