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I know there are a lot of threads on Andriol but just a quick question on detection times. I will be doing a tested event on a Sunday and taking an Andriol that evening for recovery and my next tested event will be that following Saturday. Is that enough time to have it clear my system (I will be riding 2 or so hours a day in between races). Ciclismo

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detection time is around 5-7 days

however the test wont be for andriol it will first be your Test:Epi test ratio, if its out then sunsequent analysis will be undertaken

A few caps after event should clear no prob

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Does anyone know the bioavailability of andriol caps? Only 25mg of a 40mg cap is actual test, the rest ester weight.

Testing for synthetic T is rare even in world class athletes. Most T postives are based on the ratio alone (e.g. Kessler and Sinkewitz). Andriol has a half life of around 3 hours. I'd be surprised if a single dose (2 caps) raised urine T:E ratio above 4 for more than 24 hours.

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Posted by: biker_king
detection time is around 5-7 days

however the test wont be for andriol it will first be your Test:Epi test ratio, if its out then sunsequent analysis will be undertaken

A few caps after event should clear no prob

Isn't there an easily detectable metabolite of Andriol? I was thinking that's how Papp got popped, but might be mistaken. With the larger ester, it gets converted to something that sticks around a lot longer than test...I thought read that in an article somewhere. Anywho, I'll try to find it again if it is true. Take the metabolite possibility with a grain of salt...but be careful.

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From Organon leaflet:

Andriol Testocaps must be taken with a normal meal or breakfast to ensure absorption. The bioavailability is about 7%.

Single administration of 80-160 mg Andriol Testocaps leads to a clinically
significant increase of total plasma Testosterone with peak-levels of
approximately 40 nmol/l (Cmax), reached approximately 4-5 h (tmax) after
administration. Plasma testosterone levels remain elevated for at least 8
hours. Testosterone and testosterone undecanoate display a high (over 97%)
non-specific binding to plasma proteins and sex hormone binding globulin in
in vitro tests.

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How many capsules per week to put a woman at around 80-120ng/dl?

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Posted by: KingMassimo
From Organon leaflet:

Andriol Testocaps must be taken with a normal meal or breakfast to ensure absorption. The bioavailability is about 7%.

Single administration of 80-160 mg Andriol Testocaps leads to a clinically
significant increase of total plasma testosterone with peak-levels of
approximately 40 nmol/l (Cmax), reached approximately 4-5 h (tmax) after
administration. Plasma testosterone levels remain elevated for at least 8
hours. Testosterone and testosterone undecanoate display a high (over 97%)
non-specific binding to plasma proteins and sex hormone binding globulin in
in vitro tests.

Absorbtion is much better when taken with fatty foods eggs etc,MAD

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Posted by: madtrack
Absorbtion is much better when taken with fatty foods eggs etc,MAD

Can you explain why (just out of curiosity)? I've heard that Andriol gets absorbed through the lymphatic system with minimal absorption through the GI tract? I'm just wondering if there were other things that could increase absorption and bioavailability...

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The cap has an oil in it to promote absorbtion.I found from experience and from advice from jb that taken with a fatty food absorbs better;BB are clued up on androgens.M/track

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Around 19 grams of fat is ideal for Andriol absorption
