Oratropin or Hexatr...
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Oratropin or Hexatropin

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Has anyone had good luck with endurence increases with either of these supps from IBE?

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That is a good question, i saw that stuff on there also. Has anyone ever tried this stuff, from what i can tell the other products are popular, just no review on oratropin or hexatropin.


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never heard of it


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Cell-Mediated� IGF-1
(for oral use)
100% Bioavailability, Orally Active, Sustained 24-48 hours
Each kit contains:
600mcg Cell-Mediated� IGF-1
15 individually sealed oral syringes for ease in daily dosing,
no measurements, no hassles.
Each oral syringe contains:
40mcg Cell-Mediated� IGF-1
sustained 24-48 hrs
0.5 cc's (0.661g) Oratropin-1�

Competitive bodybuilding demands have always pushed body enhancement research and discovery to the next level. The potent anabolic effect of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) is no secret amongst the Pros. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that the anabolic growth commonly desired by supplementing with HGH(Human Growth Hormone) is the result of the increase of IGF-1 production. The problem is that the current available forms of IGF-1 are very limiting and mostly ineffective. Bodybuilders have been anxiously awaiting the next leap in science to bring them a better, easily attainable form of IGF-1. IBE has developed the solution, Oratropin-1�. This product that we are offering will be the most talked about supplement introduction of its time. We know this product is not only groundbreaking and milestone setting in the muscle building supplement industry, but will define the direction of overall nutritional supplementation bringing us into the Next Generation of Nutritional Science. Simply put, it is unsurpassed in comparison. Now that the shelves have been cleared of all middle-of-the-road prohormone supplements and at the same time all the wanna-be-muscle supplement manufacturers it is time for the next era of true muscle development science to unfold. This product is in no way one of the existing infamous "commodity" muscle formulas or a "me-too-type" protein drink. There is NO other prior formula or product like this. Because of our state-of-the-art patented delivery method, our formula will prove to be far more superior when compared with other inferiorly produced "commodity" muscle supplements.

Ground Breaking Technology

IBE utilizes a technology that is clinically proven to mimic injection yielding higher bioavailability and non-degradation of the IGF-1. Current clinical studies have shown this technology to achieve near 100% bioavailability and prove to be sustained between 24-48 hours. The problem with IGF-1 is that it has only a half-life in the blood for 15-20 minutes and is not biologically active in oral administration. IGF-1 has poor to no absorption orally.

Oratropin-1� is a composition that delivers IGF-1, including other similar large peptides, to the blood. Signaling occurs from specific Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) receptors that regulate and transcribe the message allowing for site-specific receptor binding. Oratropin-1� utilizes an oral bioavailability delivery technology to deliver IGF-1 into the portal blood allowing a sustained, pulsatile delivery resulting in a better utilization and potentially safer form of IGF-1 administration (in comparison to injection).

Because of this pulsatile motion and slow absorption into the blood, IGF-1 can have a longer half-life per dose. The rate Oratropin-1� mediates through the cell replicates the natural IGF-1 secretion. This allows Oratropin-1� to deliver at a constant equilibrium and sustained longer half-life. Also, Oratropin-1� will not be overdosed in the blood because it will effectively replicate natural cell mediation and the rate of diffusion into the blood will not "spike" blood plasma IGF-1 levels where IGF-1 is active (IGF-1 is only active in circulatory blood).

Oratropin-1� unique formulation is Cell-mediated� as opposed to a Non cell-mediated IGF-1, such as the injectible form which bypasses cells straight into blood or sub-q tissue. There are 2 forms of IGF-1; IGF-1 and IGF-1 long R3. The problem is that both of these versions are currently non cell-mediated because of injection which yields high amounts of IGF-1 in blood. This causes 2 negative factors; (1) too much IGF-1 in blood increases risks of side effects, and (2) too much IGF-1 in the blood all at once is less effective because of unavailability of receptors due to competition. Injectible IGF-1 in any form can not be quantitative because it is in competition with itself; there is not cell regulation that intervenes with uptake of the IGF-1 when injected. Injected IGF-1 is very non-biological and can cause severe side effects.

Let's face it; your body can only utilize so much IGF-1 in a given time. Oratropin-1� utilizes every Molar amount of the IGF-1 because it is cell-mediated�. Cell-mediated� Oratropin-1� maximizes the mg/serving of the IGF-1 and has fewer side effects.

This is one of those few instances where our technology is actually BETTER than injection.

Because of the recent pro-hormone/steroid ban, there is a need for a muscle-building supplement that is as good as 4-AD, 1-AD and 1-Testosterone. IGF-1 at 100% bioavailability and 24-48 hour sustainability orally, will be better than any pro-hormone/steroid and even will be better than IGF-1 injection because the sustainability is much longer with fewer side effects.

Benefits of IGF-1 Supplementation

There are many functionalities of IGF-1 in the human body including increased amino acid transport to cells, increased glucose transport, increased protein synthesis, decreased protein degradation and increased RNA synthesis. Active IGF-1 responds differently in different types of tissues. The key area of interest in IGF-1 studies is new muscle cell generation. In early human developmental phases, IGF-1 is responsible for the natural muscle growth that occurs. One response relative to muscle growth is the effective stimulation of muscle cell proteins and associated cell components. One of the most definitive effects of IGF-1 supplementation is its ability to cause hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is the actual splitting of cells which signifies actual muscle cell replication.

In adulthood, we reach a plateau in muscle cell count. Weight training will effectively increase the size of these pre-existing cells but still will have its limitations in effective muscle gain. IGF-1 supplementation will actually increase the number of muscle cells present in the tissue. Throughout active muscle training combined with IGF-1 supplementation, you can create the added benefit of larger, increased muscle cell counts. So in a way you are able to manipulate your genetic capabilities in relation to muscle tissue and cell generation. IGF-1 will distinctively define the number of various types of cells present in the body. On a genetic level it has the potential to alter your capacity to build superior muscle density and design.

When IGF-1 levels are increased, protein synthesis is increased along with amino acid absorption. IGF-1 will function as a source of energy and mobilize fat for use as energy in adipose tissue. IGF-1 response within lean tissue will prevent insulin from transporting glucose across cell membranes. The result of this activity will be a switch within the cells to burning fat as a source of energy, therefore causing significant fat cell decrease.

Although we have focused more on muscle cell development benefits and fat loss, there are many more cell growth and regeneration benefits IGF-1 has to offer including vital organ repair and growth, repair of injured nerve and muscle tissue, reduced cholesterol and normalized blood pressure, immune system strengthening, anti-aging benefits due to DNA damage repair and overall body repair leaving a new found vitality.

Oratropin-1� Technology Utilizes Cell-Mediated Endocytosis through
Gene Expression and Intracellular Signal Pathways.

(1) How do we know Oratropin-1 is working? When Oratropin-1� is administered orally, you will notice an immediate adhesion effect followed by semi-dry throat and less saliva. This effect is caused by Intracellular mucosa cells that immediately recognize and locate Oratropin-1�. These cells initiate uptake of Oratropin-1� while simultaneously decreasing secretion of saliva yielding an anaerobic environment (an anaerobic environment increases epithelial �spacing� and intracellular signaling). The effects of adhesion and dry throat are not anecdotal; the desire to drink water about 10 minutes after administration must be avoided at least for 30 minutes, preferably 1 hour after administration.

(2) Effects of Oratropin-1 on Hypoglycemia, Glycosylation and IGF-1 concentrations; will I feel linear Hypoglycemic or �pulsatle� Hypoglycemic (semi-linear)? Oratropin-1� delivers IGF-1 in a pulsatile manner. What this means is that the IGF-1 mediates through the cells to the muscle receptors in a �Saw Tooth� motion (a saw tooth meaning, ^^^^^^^^^^). When the receptors are empty, the IGF-1 mediates through the cell, when the receptors are full, the cells �hold back� and wait for the receptors to un-saturate themselves. The IGF-1 concentration is therefore pulsatile, saw toothed. Not only are the IGF-1 concentrations pulsatile, but the amount of �free IGF-1� and hypoglycemic effects are also proportionally pulsatile as well. When the receptors are free, the IGF-1 affinity to the receptor increases (mediates to the receptor). Once the receptors are saturated with the mediated IGF-1, a small overflow of free IGF-1 becomes glycosylated; hypoglycemic effects occur. When the receptors are saturated, pausing IGF-1 mediation, blood glucose returns to normal. In short, the pulsatile motion of Oratropin-1� causes IGF-1 concentrations to fluctuate, which is proportional to hypoglycemic effects and blood sugar.

(3) Pulsatile vs. linear motion, hypoclycemia and injection? The pulsatile motion of Oratropin-1� effects both IGF-1 concentrations and Hypoglycemic effects. IM and other forms of injection will cause IGF-1 concentrations to be linear and un-regulated. This linear motion will deliver the IGF-1 whether the receptor is free or not. To determine the exact time in which the receptors are available for injection is impossible, this contributes to the linear hypoglycemic effects of IGF-1 injection. The linear hypoglycemic effects from injection can be directly correlated with high IGF-1 glycosylation and low receptor binding. Feeling hypoglycemic for long periods of time equates to: low glucose, low IGF-1 muscle receptor binding and extended periods of hypoglycemic effects.

Oral vs. Injection

Current methods of IGF-1 delivery rely on injection to maximize dosage and to ensure no degradation of the compound occurs. Current injections of IGF-1 can only bind a quantitative amount dependent on the receptor availability and half-life of the IGF-1 per injected dose. Because a needle penetrating the cell surface bypasses cell-mediated endocytosis, there's no natural cell diffusion to control the absorption into portal blood. Currently, the only effective forms of IGF-1 injections include IGF-1 Long R3 Media and Receptor grades. As a matter of fact, there have been recent findings proving that unregulated levels of IGF-1 in the bloodstream can put an individual at risk of dysphasia and stomach enlargement due to IGF-1 overdose triggered by a spike in blood plasma levels. Our Oratropin-1� formulation eliminates this risk with its unique and precise systematic release of IGF-1 into the bloodstream during the 24-48 hour time frame of absorption. When blood levels reach a point of saturation, administration temporarily stops and then resumes when levels reach safer concentrations.

In layman's terms, injection administration causes an unregulated release of IGF-1 into the bloodstream, which has higher associated risks leaving significant safety concerns. Oratropin-1� safely administers IGF-1 into the bloodstream for a longer period of time.

With better utilization, Oratropin-1� proves to be more effective and holds a significantly less chance of overdose in the blood. This fact along with completely eliminating the painful daily injections required are only a few of the advantages Oratropin-1� holds over current IGF-1 injections.

We all know that oral IGF-1 is virtually impossible, well actually it is. It is a known fact; peptides of this nature will always loose integrity once entering the human digestive system. Although, many do not talk about some of the dangers of site injection related to stomach enlargement and blood plasma level spikes, it does not mean that these issues do not exist. Our formula effectively administers doses of IGF-1 into the bloodstream, yet has the capability of shutting off distribution when levels reach too high of a blood level content (blood plasma spikes). Several hours later, when levels have reached a safer ratio, administration will continue to restore and amplify existing blood levels of IGF-1. Clinical trials have already verified and further supported our claims of 24 hours consistent, sustained blood levels of IGF-1...........we will further support these claims with our most current clinical findings of 48 hour blood level verification. This means that even with the most trusted injectible forms, you can never completely achieve the potential of our formulation which literally allows for overlapping/double dose administration of IGF-1 into the bloodstream. No fluctuations in levels to worry about ever again, no calculations for your next administration due to shortly sustained blood levels of IGF-1 to worry about.


Cell-Mediated� GHRP-6 and Hexarelin
(for oral use)
100% Bioavailability, Orally Active, Sustained 24-48 hours
Each kit contains:
2.0mg Cell-Mediated� GHRP-6
2.0mg Cell-Mediated� Hexarelin
20 individually sealed oral syringes for ease in daily dosing, no measurements, no hassles.
Each oral syringe contains:
100mcg Cell-Mediated� GHRP-6
100mcg Cell-Mediated� Hexarelin
sustained 24-48 hrs
0.5 cc's (0.661g) HexaTropin-6�

What is GHRP-6? GHRP-6 is a synthetic hexapeptide, which specifically releases growth hormone (GH) in a wide variety of species in vivo and in vitro. This peptide has been clinically verified to increase GH levels, increase appetite, raise IGF-1 levels, help sleep cycles and more..... We have several abstracts and research links giving a better understanding of the importance of GHRP-6 to today's popular research. This is only the beginning of the developments in peptide driven research that IBE has to offer to the community.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 175

I read the same thing on the IBE page, mostly i was wondering if anyone has tried these products from IBE and what their results were.


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ectotropin has had great results... in killing hunger, and making peoples muscle's look fuller. hexatropin has not been used that much, although there is a thread going over at AM minds now, i believe. oratropin has been discotinued for a new product IBE is making.

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Posts: 175

Thanks for the info 400. I was thinking about putting my name on the wait list but i really want to see some results before i try. Things like clen keto and t3 are tried and true but i never jump on the bandwagon of something i havent seen work. Thanks again.


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I'm on Oratropin now but haven't noticed much yet. However, i just started 5 days ago.

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Posts: 175

Thanks for the update and could you keep me posted as to what happens with your oratropin useage. Maybe we could get some real insight as to how well the product works. Thanks again and sorry you are the test subject. Hopefully you will get some awesome results and we will have to catch up!


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