My Melanotan II exp...
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My Melanotan II experience..

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We'll 2 bottles,a little over 2 weeks and 230 dollars later I honestly gotta say I'm personally not super happy with this stuff so far. I think my results are mediocre at best. The first bottle I went through I noticed absolutely no change. The second bottle I got I finally started noticing a little darkening. Its now a couple days after I polished off the second bottle and I would say I dont even look close to being dark but do have a very slight browning.

A guy can buy a LOT of tanning sessions for 230 bucks (a years worth at the place I go to) granted part of the idea behind using the melanotann is it is supposedly much safer.

One thing to note, if you do have freckles or birthmarks on your skin you may want to play it safe and skip this stuff. I have extremly small (about the size of a pin head) birthmarks all over and several of them on my face(thank god not in plain sight), shoulders and back have enlarged to about the size of an eraser head and are now VERY dark. There have been numerous reports of them darkening on users. I did not notice the enhanced libido some do...

Thats about it... Questions? fire away...

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i take 100,000iu of beta carotene every day and during the summer, if i am out in the sun i double it. everyone remarks on how tanned i am year round.


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What is your skin type (Fitzpatric Scale)?
What was your dosage?
What was your cycle length?

Enhenced libido is usually achieved at higher dosages.

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type 3 on the fitzpatrick scale..
Dosage - 2mg a day.
I did 2 bottles, so 20mg. cycle length should have been 10 days but I drew it out to about 14 just because I missed a day here and there...

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That means you weigh about 220#. If that is the fact and you are a type III skin then you are well withing proper dosage. Your cycle should have been 9-12 injections which you said you did 10. It could be that your supply was bunk or had degraded. Melanotan is not super stable unless it is at least refrigerated. Dry powder should be kept in the freezer. I think you just got a bad supply.

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Yeah I know I did the proper dosage. I did my research (of course after I bought the first single bottle - lol) I think my first bottle was bunk too because I didn't notice a DAMN thing... Although almost immediately after starting the second bottle I noticed slight changes and most people notice results a few days after first injection....

People should also note that most users hit the tanning booth a few times also and report great results with the 2 combined. Most report much more tan per session, and having to tan less frequently... I'll hit the tanning booth a couple times over the next 2 weeks and post progress.

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Well I've hit the tanning booth 2x since my last post. I went to a place that just opened about a little less then a month ago so the beds and bulbs are brand new. I'm the type of guy that can burn somewhat easily before I have a base built up. Once I have a base though I can get pretty damn dark though. I have not hit a tanning booth in months so normally I would need to start out pretty light on the minutes during the first 5-8 sessions or so to be careful not to burn..

So just for shits and giggles I hit a medium pressure bed, with High pressure bulbs for the face, it was an 12 minute bed and I stayed in for 8 minutes. Normally I'd be a crispy critter after doing this but it didn't even phase me since I had done the cycle of the Melanotan. Not even a slight reddening and I did notice I turned a couple shades darker. - Impressive!

So last night I hit the same bed, stayed in for the entire 12 minutes and when I got up this morning I was shocked. I am so noticably darker its incredible.. So morale of the story is the melanotan works awesome when comibined with a tanning bed and the results (for me at least) are substantially different when using both of them vs. just the melanotan alone.

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Thanks for the info on that. I've been curious. I wish more people would post their experiences as you did.

