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Melanotan II

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The melanocortins (MCs) are a family of multifunctional peptidergic hormones. Several superpotent, prolonged acting, enzymatically resistant, MC analogs have been designed and synthesized to help clarify the nature and role of MCs and their receptors (MCRs) in physiological functions. Two of these analogs, a linear peptide, melanotan I, and a cyclic truncated peptide, melanotan II (MTI and MTII, respectively) have been patented and tested clinically for studies on tanning of the skin (MTI) and for diagnosis and treatment of male erectile dysfunction (MTII).The effects of melanotan-II, a non-specific agonist of melanocortin receptors, on erection and its possible sites of action were investigated in anesthetized rats. Erectile events were of higher amplitude in rats treated with melanotan-II i.t. (0.2 microg) delivered at the L6-S1 level than in animals treated with the vehicle i.t. delivered. Erectile responses elicited by cavernous nerve stimulation were increased after i.v. melanotan-II (1 mg/kg), thereby exerting facilitator effect on erection. These results lead to the conclusion that central and peripheral melanocortin pathways are recruited by melanotan-II, depending on its route of delivery, to exert both inducer and facilitator activities on erection. Melanotan II (MTII), can enhance sexual function in human males (erectile activity) and females (increased levels of sexual desire and genital arousal). Unlike other sexual-enhancement drugs, MTII works at the level of the brain, thus eliciting a rather natural sexual response with minimal or no undesirable side effects. The actions of the peptide were discovered accidentally while studying the effects of the peptide and related analogs on human skin pigmentation (tanning). Effective dosages were shown to be 0.02mg - 0.03mg per kilogram(2.2 pounds) of body weight. Adverse effects such as nausea, lethargy, and priapism were experienced by some who used a dosage higher than 0.03mg/kg. Effective cycle duration for tanning was shown to vary between skin types. Using the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale effective cycle length for type I, II, and III. No notable effects were shown for those with skin types IV or greater. Type I showed best results with a cycle duration of 15-18 subcutaneous injections, one per day, at desired concentration. Type II showed best results with a cycle duration of 12-15 subcutaneous injections, one per day, at target concentration. Finally, type III skin showed best results with a cycle duration of 9-12 subcutaneous injections, one per day, at target concentration. Melanotan II does degrade quickly at room temperature so unused powder should always be stored in the freezer and once constituted any unused portions need to be refrigerated and used fairly quickly there after.


Giuliano F, Clement P, Droupy S, Alexandre L, Bernabe J. 2006. Melanotan-II: Investigation of the inducer and facilitator effects on penile erection in anaesthetized rat
Neuroscience.138(1):293-301. Epub 2005 Dec 19.

Hadley ME. 2005. Discovery that a melanocortin regulates sexual functions in male and female humans. Peptides. Oct;26(10):1687-9.

Hadley ME, Dorr RT. 2006. Melanocortin peptide therapeutics: historical milestones, clinical studies and commercialization. Peptides. Apr;27(4):921-30.

Lam CW, Perretti M, Getting SJ. 2006. Melanocortin receptor signaling in RAW264.7 macrophage cell line. Peptides. Feb;27(2):404-12. Epub 2005 Nov 15.

Menyhert J, Wittmann G, Hrabovszky E, Keller E, Liposits Z, Fekete C. 2006. Interconnection between orexigenic neuropeptide Y- and anorexigenic alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone-synthesizing neuronal systems of the human hypothalamus. Brain Res. Mar 3;1076(1):101-5. Epub 2006 Feb 13.

Pfaus, James G. , Annette Shadiack, Tanya Van Soest, Maric Tse, and Perry Molinoff. 2004. Selective facilitation of sexual solicitation female rat by a melanocortin receptor agonist. PNAS. July 6(101): 10201-10204

Silva AA, Kuo JJ, Tallam LS, Liu J, Hall JE. 2006. Does obesity induce resistance to the long-term cardiovascular and metabolic actions of melanocortin 3/4 receptor activation? Hypertension. 2006 Feb;47(2):259-64. Epub 2005 Dec 27.

The following chart assumes a concentration of 0.02mg/kg of melanotan II. This amount is low enough to produce a tan with minimal side-effects. Although, you could also go with a lower concentration, say 0.017mg/kg -- but you will need a different chart. One more thing, the chart was compiled assuming that you are using 10mg vials.(courtesy of

10 mg / 12.00 injections = 0.833 mg --- 42 kg = 92 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 11.50 injections = 0.870 mg --- 43 kg = 96 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 11.00 injections = 0.909 mg --- 45 kg = 100 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 10.50 injections = 0.952 mg --- 48 kg = 105 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 10.00 injections = 1.000 mg --- 50 kg = 110 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 9.50 injections = 1.053 mg --- 53 kg = 116 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 9.00 injections = 1.111 mg --- 55 kg = 122 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 8.50 injections = 1.176 mg --- 59 kg = 130 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 8.00 injections = 1.250 mg --- 63 kg = 138 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 7.50 injections = 1.333 mg --- 67 kg = 147 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 7.00 injections = 1.429 mg --- 71 kg = 157 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 6.75 injections = 1.481 mg --- 74 kg = 163 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 6.50 injections = 1.538 mg --- 77 kg = 170 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 6.25 injections = 1.600 mg --- 80 kg = 176 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 6.00 injections = 1.667 mg --- 83 kg = 184 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 5.75 injections = 1.739 mg --- 87 kg = 192 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 5.50 injections = 1.818 mg --- 91 kg = 200 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 5.25 injections = 1.905 mg --- 95 kg = 210 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 5.00 injections = 2.000 mg --- 100 kg = 220 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 4.75 injections = 2.105 mg --- 105 kg = 232 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 4.50 injections = 2.222 mg --- 111 kg = 245 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 4.25 injections = 2.353 mg --- 118 kg = 259 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 4.00 injections = 2.500 mg --- 125 kg = 276 lbs @0.02mg/kg

The number of injections corresponds with how much diluant you will need to add to the vial. For instance, if you weigh 190lbs, you will be able to get 5.75 injections per vial at the proper concentration. Simply add 5.75cc to the vial.

The above assumes you are using 1cc syringes. If you are using 1/2cc syrings, divide the injection number by 2, add this much diluant. You will still have the same number of injections however. Following the above example ... 5.75 / 2 = 2.88cc, so add that amount. You will still have 5.75 injections but you will use 1/2cc syringes.

Fitzpatrick Skin Types(courtesy of

Type I
"Always burns; never tans."
Your skin only reddens and freckles.

Type II
"Burns easily; tans minimally."

Type III
"Burns moderately; tans gradually to light brown."

Type IV
"Burns minimally; always tans well to moderately brown."

Type V
"Rarely burns; tans profusely to dark brown."

Type VI
"Never burns; deeply pigmented; insensitive."
