Okay guys, belong to a few other boards including Steroids.Reviews. Has anyone tried the Kalpatropin HGH which is highly touted as the Steroids.Reviews board? Nandi, Johnny? I just signed up on this board, liking it so far.
Hi! I just started yesterday... doing 5iu ed (5 on 2 off)...
Another friend of mine are on Kalpatropin also... I feel a little tingle in my hands already... maybe a placebo-effect? *L*
Check out the article on Kalpatropin ond STEROIDSFORSALE homepage:
Was reading this a while ago; they propose HGH injection EOD versus ED. Sorry the formatting is so lousy. Thoughts?
Reading More on Kalpatropin 20IU
Human growth hormone is produced in the body by the pituitary gland. Before this happens, Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Somatostatin (SST) are released by the hypothalamus, and that determines whether more or less GH is produced by the pituitary.(1) Many factors influence the release of GH, however, including nutrition and exercise (6)(7). Once it is released, Growth Hormone (GH), which is also called Somatotropin (STH) has many functions in the human body. GH is a protein that stimulates the body cells to both increase in size, as well as undergo more rapid cell division than usual. In addition, it enhances the movement of amino acids through cell membranes and also increases the rate at which these cells convert these molecules into proteins. Clearly, you can see that this would amount to an anabolic (muscle building) effect in the human body. GH also has the ability to cause cells to decrease the normal rate at which they utilize carbohydrates, and simultaneously increase the rate at which they use fats.(1) Fat loss and lean mass increases with GH have been found at a dose as low as . 0.028 iu/kg/daily for 24 weeks however, in my estimation, that would be insufficient for a bodybuilder trying to gain muscle. Lets use .028iu/kg as a working number; thats 2.8iu for a 100kg (220lbs) bodybuilder. That’s certainly not unreasonable, and I would say that that dose to 2x that dose is the range most bodybuilders and athletes are finding their best results with. Also, that length of time used in the study I just mentioned (24 weeks) is very typical of GH use, and in conversations with my friends who have used this compound, have told me that they experience consistent results starting well after the 2-month-mark, and they tend to either run this stuff for 6 months at a time, or year-round (if they have sufficient funds). One of my friends is able to consistently retain a shredded 6-7% body fat all year round with the assistance of GH, whether he is on steroids or off. He also has noted that his cardio (fast walking, for an hour a day) was much easier while on GH than when off, and certainly the research I’ve done would support his claim that submaximal aerobic ability is improved with GH use (5) (15). How anabolic is this stuff? Well, even endurance athletes at rest (!) were observed in one study to be in an anabolic state (8). Yeah…so you can basically run marathons and take this stuff, and still build some muscle. Pretty impressive, right? Growth Hormone is usually secreted in rhythmic pulses while you are sleeping, as two peptides, GHRH and Somatostatin (SST) are alternately released. As you can guess, GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is the one responsible for the Release of Growth Hormone (And who said scientists have funny ways for naming things…?).(1) Growth hormone also has the ability to stimulate the production (or reproduction, in the case of an injury) of cartilage. This, however, requires the presence of a mediator substance, Somatomedin (IGF), which is released from the liver in response to GH…and the IGF, in turn, actually promotes the growth of cartilage.(1) Although it requires IGF to actually grow new cartilage, GH is directly able to stimulate the elongation of bone tissue.(1), and GH has also been shown to elicit a positive effects on erythropoeisis (9), which is great for both anabolism as well as endurance. Remember the negative feedback loop I always tell you about? Well, of course, your body has one which can stop the secretion of GH, and it involves IGF. When your liver receives secretes IGF-1, it sends a message to both your Hypothalamus as well as your Pituitary to stop producing GH. (1) As you have probably guessed by now, your body produces the majority of it’s GH during your early years, when you are experiencing growth spurts. As you get older, however, you just produce less of this stuff, and it’s effects are much less pronounced. This was the driving force behind the (always weird) life-extension crowd embracing GH in the early 90’s. And, as usual,. The driving force behind the athletic world embracing GH was Dan Duchaine, which I’m sure comes as no surprise to many. He first wrote a teaser about it in his Underground Steroid Handbook, and then wrote extensively about it for the next couple of decades. At that time, Grorm, was being used. This nasty stuff was GH extracted from (are you ready?): the pituitary of dead bodies. That’s real “Dawn of the Dead” style science, in my opinion. I guess it’s an advance from a couple of centuries ago, when Descartes (the “I think therefore I am” guy) declared the pituitary the part of the human body where the soul resides. Anyway, back to the cadaver-thing…the GH extracted from the cadavers were found to be able to (in rare cases) carry a rare brain disease. This of course, infected the kids who received the infected GH. The use of GH from cadavers was subsequently discontinued. Back then (the 80’s) there was also a fake version of some purple looking GH going around (it was HCG I believe, mixed with B-12) called “Rhesus Monkey Growth Hormone”…which is pretty funny, looking back on it. To this day, however, if you get fake GH, it’s still probably HCG, since both come presented as a powder and bacterioistatic water you need to use to reconstitute it (and then it needs to be refrigerated). Even if you are using the non-cadaver-derived stuff (and at this point, I’m 100% sure that there’s none of the old Grorm left on shelves anywhere), it’s possible that you experience some side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acr*****ly (a thickening or growth of bones, most noticeable in the feet, hands, and forehead), and enlarged organs. Gynocomastia is also possible as a side effect of GH use, as well as Fluid retention(16) (the later being initially pointed out to me by a female colleague who had a pre-contest bodybuilder using GH as part of his contest prep). Now for some really interesting stuff: Although GH can easily produce very nice, high quality weight and muscle gains, it’s a very poor compound for inducing strength gains(2)(3)(4). That’s very counterintuitive, and certainly many strength athletes have experienced great results in both strength as well as muscle size and fatloss from GH. Generally, many studies have focused on GH vs. GH and exercise, and without the exercise LBM increases but not usually maximum voluntary strength output. It should also be noted that most athletes utilizing GH are using it in a “cocktail” with (at least) anabolic steroids, and usually with IGF, thyroid meds, and other goodies such as an Aromatase Inhibitor. Lets discuss exactly why this is. Most people who are taking the plunge into GH use have reached a dead end with their use of anabolics, and need to push through that wall. I’m sure you’ve heard about the synergistic combination of using GH along with Anabolic Steroids, IGF, insulin and t3 (* usually synthroid, a thyroid medication). The reason is that when these hormones are used correctly together, they'll produce a large amount of synergy…the insulin is able to shuttle nutrients into your muscle, the thyroid hormone increases your fat-burning capability, the IGF will cause muscle growth as well as helping to grow new cartilage (thus preventing injury), and the anabolic steroids like testosterone, specifically (in addition to being anabolic) can increase IGF-1, in muscle tissue(11), and maybe even increase your body’s ability to use it. Also, usually, an increased amount of IGF usually tells your body to stop producing GH…but Testosterone actually blunts this part of the Negative FeedBack Loop (12)! And the addition of an Aromatase Inhibitor will also stop conversion of testosterone into estrogen; estrogen reduces IGF levels.(13)(14) Finally, the GH does …well everything I just spent the last few pages telling you about! Thus, IGF, Testosterone (and of course other steroids), Insulin, thyroid meds, and GH will all combine to produce a pretty damned effective fat-burning and muscle building cycle! You know what else? GH is virtually undetectable on any sort of currently used drug-screening tests. GH, Insulin, Thyroid meds, and IGF may also be used pretty safely by those who may be subject to drug screening tests, or as a non-HPTA suppressive “bridge” between cycles. Finally, I’ll tell you how I’d take GH, personally. There was a study done on continuous GH use vs. every other day injections (ED vs. EOD for the sake of brevity), with a equal total weekly dose. Although it’s counterintuitive, every other day injections produced better total growth in the kids in this (2 and 4 year long) study. Shooting GH every other day more accurately replicates the pulsile frequency of GH, and thus gave better results for growth (height) deficient children… GH pulsatility is necessary for proper function of the GH receptor.(10) Dosing in the EOD nature reduces incidence of any sort of withdrawal problems associated with normal GH use, including regression or retardation of growth after cessation of therapy. Therefore, I feel very comfortable speculating that the use of GH in this manner, which more closely simulates the natural secretion pattern of it, allows the GH receptors and the rest of the body to to more efficiently recover from it, and this will result in much more muscle growth over time (although height was examined in the previous study). My recommendations, therefore are 2 shots per day of .028iu/kg of bodyweight, taken every other day, for a minimum of 3months, and preferably for 2-3x that long and preferably with the other synergistic compounds we’ve just taken a look at.
No responses Only thing I was interested in from the article is the thought that doing HGH EOD versus ED was equally effective at the same dose.
For me, I've ran it both ways, and can tell a difference from ed to eod. Personally, I prefer ed injections at the same time. Some may not be able to, there is always speculation, but if U gonna do it right, ed is the way to go. That's from the horses mouth (my doctor) which is who regulates me in this particular area with insulin as well. Some say 5 days on 2 days off, did it that way as well, and could tell a difference, that's why I suggest running GH 7 days a week with injections at the same time ed..Not saying it doesn't work by any means, I just prefer to follow my doctors protocol..Give it a shot and post what U feel and think when it comes to ed vs. eod..
I read that IV injections are better than Sub-q for GH. What's your opinion on this?
Testosterone Blooded!
Stats and Current Cycle
25 years old
On Second Cycle 20 Weeks
Sustanon 650mg PW
Masteron Prop 100mg EOD
DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCES because here's what I use: https://www.dragonpharma.net/
I think he meant IM
I'm planning to start with 4 iu, ED, though 5 iu is a nice round number with using a 10 iu vial every 2 days. Injection in the morning sub q after my post-workout shower. Order will be in this week and will post the results.
Any thoughts on 4 iu vs 5 iu? Makes a pretty significant $$$ difference (20% more expensive to do 5iu/ED versus 4iu ) over time.
Biggin, many thanks as always.
He meant IV, some do run it like that, don't ask me why, but they do. Not much of a difference between 4ius and 5ius, except for the cost. 4ius will lean U out over a few months, U don't start seeing the muscle building effects from GH until U start pumping 8ius and over. 4ius is a good dose, I suggest U start with 2ius ed and adjust the dosage every 3-5 days until U work Ur way to 4ius..
Thanks Biggin. Yea I meant IV. One of my boys will be running 4ius ED for 6 months while on cycle. Besides leaning out it what else should he expect at that dose? Based on my research it should enhance the his cycle and help him keep his gains, what else did I miss?
Testosterone Blooded!
Stats and Current Cycle
25 years old
On Second Cycle 20 Weeks
Sustanon 650mg PW
Masteron Prop 100mg EOD
DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCES because here's what I use: https://www.dragonpharma.net/
Biggin, what should I have in my tool box in case I get a gyno flare up with the HGH? Doing my research that nolva could actually be counter-productive. What are your thoughts?
Anyone's got any info on this brand of HGH?
very popular, i just ordered some thru a trusted board supplier.
JB, how much do you take?
I have just tried it for the 1st time, at 10iu EOD, and I like the results, but it has given me severe knee pain.
I say it has, because there is nothing else it could be.
I had one week off after a powerlifting meet, and since then cant train legs, and today it even stopped me from deadlifting properly.
I have been on it for nearly 9 weeks, and am stopping today, to see if this pain, (right on the top of my knee caps), subsides?
joint pain is a frequent complaint. i use really low doses, 2-4 iu ed. any more and i get joint pain.
very popular, i just ordered some thru a trusted board supplier.jb
Good to hear that, I was a bit worried because I googled it and nothing came out. Do you know the brand webpage for some info on the company?