Insulin and how to ...
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Insulin and how to take

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I have access to some insulin and need to know if it will help with my BB. I am currently taking 25mg per day of Dbol, 600mg per wk of Cyp and 300mg per wk of eq. I am 36, 6'3" and 250 at about 10%bf. SHould I take the insulin and how much and and what will it do for me? Thanks for any info.

Eminent Member
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No offense, but this question will never be answered. Do some research on your own, and come back with more specific questions.

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Unless you have a short acting insulin, you should not even consider it. Do a search on the board for "Humalog" and "Humalin-R".

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I have been reading all over for about the last 2 hours and have a good grasp of the situation and the severity if not done absolutly properly. Can Humalin-N be used or does it last 2 long to keep a safe monitor on?

Estimable Member
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U mean Humalin R? Its easier to get but lasts somethign like 7-8 hours...I would recommend being awake for all 8 hours min after inject, for new insulin user. Humalog is faster in and out, but harder to get. However, I feel u can time its peaks beter, and get beter results as such. Make sure u understand the correct dietary intakes required also, EXACT peaking times... Its often advised to run slin with some sort of fat burner, ie clen, GH, it will cause fat gains as well. But used properly this can be minimized.
